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Реферат Навчання аудіювання в руслі комунікативно-орієнтованої методикою

written for the instrument, sir, he said, you ll never play it. But I insisted. The first time I play it through without a mistake, I'll give you five pounds, I said. So the man gave in.

Рівень глобального поніманія.the following questions, using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

. What was one of the important features of the play?

. What made Colonel Green think that Mr. Porcharlester had an advantage over him in Linda's eyes?

. What did Colonel Green do after making all the necessary arrangements?

. Why did not the horn player turn up at the appointed time? Had he really mixed anything up?

. Was it clear to Colonel Green how the horn player had managed to get so drunk, or was it beyond him?

. What did Colonel Green think was the only way to save the play from failure?

. Why did Colonel Green press his hands to his head after blowing the horn?

. What did Colonel Green hate to hear his teacher say?

. Did Colonel Green complain that horn-blowing was hard work?

. What did the teacher say about Colonel Green's ability to play the horn?

. What did Colonel Green wish to play in private to a friend?

№ 2 Завдання до контрольного тесту по говорінню

Діалогup a dialogue using the following vocabulary:

to avoid, to put down to, to mention, to guess, to turn out;

to rely on, to mix up, to complain (of), to be unfair, shameful;

private, to complain (of), to spoil, to apologize, to put up with,

to ask to put off, to insist on, urgent, (not) to give in, within;

to rely on, to fail, (not) to apologize, (not) to deal with, to mix up;

to have an advantage over, beyond one s abilities, to put a lot of energy into, (not) to complain (of), as a result.

№3 Монолог

the following questions proving your statements and using the active vocabulary. Enlarge your answer.

. Why did Colonel Green mention the place where the horn player was to sit?

. Why did Colonel Green hate to hear Linda mention the young man s name?

. Why did Colonel Green try to avoid a straight answer to Linda s question?

. Why didn t the horn player turn up at the appointed time?

. What would the horn player s absence mean for the success of the play?

. Why did Colonel Green insist on being taught to play the serenade?

. Why did the teacher stare at the Colonel on hearing that Colonel Green wanted to play the serenade?

. Why did the teacher finally give in?

. Was it clear to Colonel Green how the horn player had managed to get so drunk, or was it beyond him?

. Had the horn player really mixed anything up?

. Why Colonel Green did not complain that horn-blowing was hard work?

. Describe the main caracters of the story as you see them.

№ 4 Завдання до контрольного тесту за листом

Write a composition (100 words) based on the text The Serenade. Make up a follow-up for this story using as many of the new words as you can.

№5 Завдання до контрольного тесту з аудіювання

Текст для аудірованія.status of women in our world.concrete ceiling while women are up against it. Someone once observed that a glass ceiling blocks women rise to the top but it seems more like a concrete ceiling. The following could be what s stopping us:

Because boys are taken more seriously than girls at school.

Because some female high achievers such as Margaret Thutcher often don t promote other women.

Because women have babies.

Because men think women won t be as committed to their job once they have a child.

Because a woman is still judged on her looks.

Because women think men won t love them anymore if they are successful.

Because women are busy doing housework when they could be training, impressing the boss and networking.

Because women s brains are smaller.

Because working mothers are made to feel guilty.


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