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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Тенденції розвитку в'їзного туризму в Росії

Реферат Тенденції розвитку в'їзного туризму в Росії

oundings e. Cultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands (Arkhangelsk Oblast) f. White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal g. Church of the Ascension (Kolomenskoye, Moscow) h. Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra (Sergiev Posad, Moscow Oblast) i. Virgin Komi Forests j. Lake Baikal k. Volcanoes of Kamchatka l. Central Sikhote-Alin (Primorsky Krai) m. Golden Mountains of Altai n. Uvs Nuur Basin (Tuva Republic) o. Western Caucasus (Krasnodar Krai and Republic of Adygea) p. Historic and Architectural Complex of the Kazan Kremlin q. Ensemble of the Ferapontov Monastery (Vologda Oblast) r. Curonian Spit (Kaliningrad Oblast) s. Citadel, Ancient City and Fortress Buildings of Derbent (Republic of Dagestan) t. Natural System of Wrangel Island Reserve (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) u. Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent (Moscow) v. Historic Centre of the City of Yaroslavl w. Struve Geodetic Arc (Gogland) x. Putorana Plateau (Krasnoyarsk Krai) y. Lena Pillars Nature Park (Sakha Republic) 21. Do you know that mentioned above objects belong to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites? a. Yes b. No 22. Do you know that Russia is hosting the 2014 Olympic Winter Games? a. Yes b. No 23. Would you like to visit the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia? a. Yes b. No 24. What does attract you in Russians? ______________________________ 25. What hardships did you face at the time of your stay in Russia? a. Staying in the hotel b. Transport c. Roads d. Entertainment infrastructure e. Service quality f. Quality vs money contradiction g. Other__________________________ 26. What does attract you in Russians? 27. What associations do you have when you hear the word «Russia»? 28. Would you like to come to Russia once again? a. Yes b. No 29. Would you like to come to Russia? a. Yes b. No (Thank you for your attention, the survey is finished) 30. What does attract you in Russia most of all? a. Culture b. Nature c. People d. Language e. Economy f. Other ___________________________ 31. What does attract you in Russian culture? (You may pick several) a. Architecture b. Literature c. Painting d. Music e. Russian ballet f. Handicrafts g. Cuisine h. National holidays (Pancake week, Orthodox Christmas, Kupala Night, Old New Year etc.) I. Other__________________________ 32. What nature oriented activities attract you in Russia? a. Mountaineering b. Trekking c. Ecotourism (National parks visiting) d. River and sea cruises e. Beach leisure f. Diving g. Horseback riding h. Reindeer riding i. Husky riding j. Other ________________________ 33. Do you know that in Russia there are the UNESCO World Heritage Sites? a. Yes b. No 34. What listed below destination would you like to visit? a) Historic Centre of St. Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments b) Kizhi Pogost (Republic of Karelia) c) Moscow Kremlin and Red Square d) Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings e) Cultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands (Arkhangelsk Oblast) f) White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal g) Church of the Ascension (Kolomenskoye, Moscow) h) Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra (Sergiev Posad, Moscow Oblast) i) Virgin Komi Forests j) Lake Baikal k) Volcanoes of Kamchatka l) Central Sikhote-Alin ( Primorsky Krai) m) Golden Mountains of Altai n) Uvs Nuur Basin (Tuva Republic) o) Western Caucasus (Krasnodar Krai and Republic of Adygea) p) Historic and Architectural Compl...

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