Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Послідовні інтерфейси ПК

Реферат Послідовні інтерфейси ПК

///Clean up any resources being used. p>///

~ Form1 () p> {

if (Components)


delete components;



private: System: IO: Ports: SerialPort ^ serialPort1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: ComboBox ^ comboBox1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Button ^ button1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Button ^ button2;

private: System: Windows: Forms: OpenFileDialog ^ openFileDialog1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Button ^ button3;

private: System: Windows: Forms: TextBox ^ textBox1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Label ^ label1;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Label ^ label2;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Label ^ label3;

private: System: Windows: Forms: ComboBox ^ comboBox2;

private: System: Windows: Forms: Label ^ label4;

private: System: Windows: Forms: ProgressBar ^ progressBar1;

private: System: ComponentModel: IContainer ^ components;




///Required designer variable. p>///

# pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code


///Required method for Designer support - do not modify

///the contents of this method with the code editor.


void InitializeComponent (void)


this-> components = (Gcnew System: ComponentModel: Container ());

this-> serialPort1 = (Gcnew System: IO: Ports: SerialPort (this-> components));

this-> comboBox1 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: ComboBox ());

this-> button1 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Button ());

this-> button2 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Button ());

this-> openFileDialog1 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: OpenFileDialog ());

this-> button3 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Button ());

this-> textBox1 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: TextBox ());

this-> label1 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Label ());

this-> label2 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Label ());

this-> label3 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Label ());

this-> comboBox2 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: ComboBox ());

this-> label4 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: Label ());

this-> progressBar1 = (Gcnew System: Windows: Forms: ProgressBar ());

this-> SuspendLayout ();

// p>// comboBox1

// p> this-> comboBox1-> Font = (Gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L В«Microsoft Sans SerifВ», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast (204)));

this-> comboBox1-> FormattingEnabled = True;

this-> comboBox1-> Location = System: Drawing: Point (176, 21);

this-> comboBox1-> Name = L В«comboBox1В»;

this-> comboBox1-> Size = System: Drawing: Size (97, 24);

this-> comboBox1-> TabIndex = 1;

// p>// button1

// p> this-> button1-> Font = (Gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L В«Microsoft Sans SerifВ», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast (204)));

this-> button1-> Location = System: Drawing: Point (323, 71);

this-> button1-> Name = L В«button1В»;

this-> button1-> Size = System: Drawing: Size (136, 23);

this-> button1-> TabIndex = 2;

this-> button1-> Text = L В«Прийняти файлВ»;

this-> button1-> UseVisualStyleBackColor = True;

this-> button1-> Click + = Gcnew System: EventHandler (this, & Form1: button1_Click);

// p>// button2

// p> this-> button2-> Font = (Gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L В«Microsoft Sans SerifВ», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast (204)));

this-> button2-> Location = System: Drawing: Point (495, 70);

this-> button2-> Name = L В«button2В»;

this-> button2-> Size = System: Drawing: Size (127, 23);

this-> button2-> TabIndex = 3;

this-> button2-> Text = L В«Надіслаті файлВ»;

this-> button2-> UseVisualStyleBackColor = True;

this-> button2-> Click + = Gcnew System: EventHandler (this, & Form1: button2_Click);

// p>// openFileDialog1

// p> this-> openFileDialog1-> InitialDirectory = L В«D: В»;

this-> openFileDialog1-> RestoreDirectory = True;

this-> openFileDialog1-> Title = L В«Select fileВ»;

this-> openFileDialog1-> FileOk + = Gcnew System: ComponentModel: CancelEventHandler (this, & Form1: openFileDialog1_FileOk);

// p>// button3

// p> this-> button3-> Font = (Gcnew System: Drawing: Font (L В«Microsoft Sans SerifВ», 9.75F, System: Drawing: FontStyle: Regular, System: Drawing: GraphicsUnit: Point,

static_cast (...

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