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Реферат Інструмент OLE

e. br/>

TYPE br/>

If the file you are creating isn't a FoxPro table/.DBF, you must specify its file type. Although you must specify a file type, you need not include the key word TYPE. You can create a wide variety of different file types including DELIMITED ASCII text files in which you can specify a field delimiter. br/>


FoxPro memo files have a different structure than FoxBASE + memo files. If your source FoxPro table/.DBF contains a memo field, include the FOXPLUS clause to create a table/.DBF that can be used in FoxBASE +. The FoxPro memo field cannot contain binary data because FoxBASE + does not support binary data in memo fields.


An SDF (System Data Format) file is an ASCII text file in which records have a fixed length and end with a carriage return and line feed. Fields aren't delimited. The SDF file name is assigned a. TXT file extension if you do not include an extension.


A SYLK file is a Symbolic Link interchange format (used in Microsoft MultiPlan) in which fields from the FoxPro table/.DBF become columns in the spreadsheet and records become rows. SYLK file names have no extension. br/>


A DELIMITED file is an ASCII text file in which each record ends with a carriage return and line feed. The default field separator is a comma. Since character data may include commas, character fields are additionally delimited with double quotation marks. p> In the following example there are 2 character fields ("Smith" and "TELEPHONE") delimited with double quotation marks. There is one numeric field which is not delimited since numeric data does not contain commas. The 3 fields are separated with commas. br/>

"Smith", 9999999, "TELEPHONE"

The DELIMITED WITH option can be used to replace the double quotation marks with one of your choice.

The comma is not truly a delimiter. However, the DELIMITED WITH BLANK or DELIMITED WITH TAB clauses allow you to replace the comma field separator with either a space or a tab. The data should not contain embedded spaces or tabs. p> You cannot combine the WITH clause with either the WITH BLANK or WITH TAB clauses. p> Unless you specify otherwise, a. TXT extension is assigned to all newly created DELIMITED files. br/>

The format of APPEND is:



[FOR ]


DIF | FW2 | MOD | PDOX | RPD | SDF | SYLK | WK1 | WK3 | WKS |

WR1 | WRK | XLS]]


The file you are appending from is assumed to be a FoxPro table with a. DBF extension. If the file you want to append from is a FoxPro table and doesn't have a. DBF extension, you ...

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