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Реферат The state apparatus of Ukraine

y in certain relatively isolated branches of government, whether it is on the functioning of individual inde В¬ them powers. Conversely, from the point of view of the theory of popular sovereignty, when people recognized source of state authority, provides its unity, which while not rule out the possibility of division В¬ ity of the government on some of its branches.6 of the Constitution of Ukraine did not give a clear answer to this pi В¬ tion, since it refers to the state authorities and the individual you В¬ dy government - legislative, executive and judicial [1, p.4]. However, systematic interpretation of the Constitution of Ukraine can make conclusion В¬ wok proximity of the constitutional principles of Ukrainian В¬ ARRANGEMENTS the concept of national sovereignty.of state power can not be reduced to the usual division of labor in relation to the implementation of social control that occurs with the appearance of such a complex set of government as the state apparatus, has its basis specialization of its workers in a variety of activities - lawmaking, executive or judicial, requiring different abilities and skills and is aimed at increasing efficiency and effectiveness В¬ ARRANGEMENTS functioning state apparatus [4, s.121-122]. principle of social justice, the state apparatus means that its objective is to ensure social harmony and consensus between different parts of society, the balance of different interests of all social strata, groups and other segments of the population.and compassion are that the state machine helps make all population groups of subjective rights, protects and defends the basic human and civil rights, giving priority to human values, provides humane and compassionate attitude to the whole population of Ukraine and every a single individual. important principle of Ukraine's state apparatus is a combination of persuasion and coercion. Forcing people to apply only when exhausted all possible beliefs, and a person is not obeyed national interests and the interests of civil society., Transparency and consideration of public opinion means that its function state machine performs openly collaborating with various associations and movements, studying public opinion and considers it in the organization and implementation of its tasks [9, s.111-115]. it follows from the above definition and the importance of adherence to the principles of organization and operation of the state apparatus. These principles ensure the implementation of the doctrine the rule of law in Ukraine, strengthening democracy and the rule of law, unfettered rights of citizens, eliminating bureaucracy and establish complete domination of the law. br/>

Section II. STRUCTURE DKRZHAVNOHOAPARATU and its correlation with mechanisms of the state

.1 Characteristic features of the mechanism of the state

State to carry out its tasks and functions to create a variety of structures. In Ukraine, this structure is the state m...

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