be equal (P. 4 Article 5) and about joining autonomous districts in structure of the territory and region (P. 4 Article 66). Such regulation of the federative relations - is one of the failures of our Constitution. The contradiction between the two regulations of the Constitution is obvious.contradiction has been actually recognized by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, but it has made another conclusion. In the opinion of the Court, joining of the autonomous district the structure of the territory, region means the presence at the territory, region of the organs of the government whose powers are distributed to the territory of autonomous districts in cases and limits, stipulated by the federal law, charters of the corresponding subjects of the Russian Federation and the contract between their organs of the government. Absence of the contract can not serve an obstacle for distribution of jurisdiction of the organs of the government of the territory, region on autonomous district.of the subject of the Federation in structure of another is nonsense. Moreover the given resolution is the justification of the existing position and slows the process of joining of autonomous districts the structure of territory or districts appears as administrative unit.believe that the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation from July 14th, 1997 is the only resolution on the case interpretation of the Constitution not causing indisputable approval. All others resolutions promoted perfection of the Constitution. In the course of time the quantity of the cases of this category, considered in courts, will be reduced. It is caused by the fact that in the constitutions there have remained a few regulations, capable to cause uncertainty in understanding. The statistics shows the same. If in 1998-1999 there have been considered two cases about interpretation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation a year, in 2000 - only one, and in 2002 - none of them.
The literature
resolution constitution russian
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