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Реферат Creation of control system by a personnel how to begin with a zero

r even separate man must decide. And that to do, if is not such man? An answer is simple quickly to correct this defect. In the first part of work we touched basic aspects from which must begin the activity manager from a personnel in a new company. In this part will talk about basic processes which must exist in a company, from the point of view of management human capitals which all control system by a personnel will be in course of time formed on the basis of.

If position of manager from a personnel is new in a company, all of it needs to be developed and prescribed from beginning, in fact not a single documentation is not on these questions.

Thus, if we embark on the first point of our skilled strategy, namely selection, reception and planning of personnel, we must create the row of documents necessarily. In my opinion, it costs to begin from a request on the selection of personnel. These requests actively use to the shot and рекрутінгові agencies during work with clients, but rarely internal managers from a personnel, although to no purpose. Yes, on creation of such to the form it is needed to spend little time, but he occupies itself fully. In fact a manager from a personnel clearly presents requirements to the open vacancy and knows that it is possible to offer to the potential candidates. In addition, important is that this request a manager from a personnel fills directly with a leader which then asserts her. Such step in the future will protect the department of work with a personnel from the unnecessary complaining on disparity of the selected candidates to the requirements declared before. In fact if a request is absent, these requirements can several times change, something can прізабутіся about something simply can forget to warn. And at presence of the ratified request a department from a personnel will know clearly, that is exactly required from a new worker. Thus, if to pass to practice, then such request for us contains next data:

- general information is about a vacancy (region and city, branch, department where vacant position, clear name of position, date of filling of request and term of her closing, appeared, even submissions: who a man submits and who will be in her submission);

- terms of work (address of job, graphic arts of work, duration of trial period, payment on a trial period and after him, compensative package);

- description of position (basic functional promises and other nuances which touch this position);

- requirements are to the candidate (general information: age, sex, education; personal and business lines, knowledge and skills);

- circle of persons which make decision in relation to a candidate;

- except for principal items, a request contains, yet such division as notes (he can be named variously). Here it costs to write some special things, mainly informal which touch a vacancy. For example, features of collective, feature of region and, in accordance with them, wish in relation to the features of candidate and other

It costs to prescribe the chart of selection a next step in a company. It is bulky enough employment, but in course of time on the basis of this chart you will be able to create position about the selection of personnel. A presence of such position is obligatory for every company. If shortly, then in her it follows to take into account next points:

Гј sources of search of potential candidates, and here it does not cost limited to standard are MASS-MEDIA and internet. Every position has the specific and very actual sources of selection. It costs well to analyse a situation and define sources which are priority for the specialists of concrete sphere. These can be the specialized forums, exhibitions and other;

Гј methods of selection. Here it is also possible to dream up. For every vacancy actual will be different methods and methods.

But you must prescribe base which will be used exactly in your organization. Certainly, they can complement each other or mutual exclude depending on a situation. So, for example, if a necessary mass selection you here can help worked out асесмент, with the certain set of exercises, questions, кейсів and tests. With his help you will associate with plenty of people for short space and able in an action to check up necessary for you skills. We mostly pick up managers this method. Irreplaceable, certainly, there is interview in her different variations. Also it is here possible to reckon the professional and psychological testing, which can be both part of independent method;

Г? amount of levels of estimation, which a candidate must pass. For us all begins from the analysis of executive summary, then can apply an own questionnaire (she is obligatory only if the controlled from distance selection is conducted), sometimes telephone interview (it touches the more controlled from distanc...

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