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Реферат Токсокароз і токсокарідоз м'ясоїдних

tion helping women survivors of wars rebuild their lives. She has held the post of CEO of the organization from its founding until 2011.an activist promoting women's support, she earned worldwide recognition, becoming an important figure of IR. For her work in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993, Zainab Salbi has been honored by Former President Bill Clinton. Zainab Beads is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and is a member of the UN Secretary General's Civil Society Advisory Group focusing on the UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

Rousseff - politician and the current president of Brazil

was elected in a run-off on 31 October 2010 and Became the first female elected president of Brazil. As president of Brazil, she continues the policy of promoting the country's in the BRICS-the economic organization that brings together emerging countries like Russia, China, India, South Africa and Brazil. On 28 March 2012, she attended the BRICS Summit in Delhi, India. The meeting aimed to set up the closer diplomatic relationship between these countries and proposes BRICS as an alternative to the World Bank. According to statistics Goldman Sacks, BRICS states are predicted to become five most influent powers in world economics.officers of the IR, women have shown that they have the necessary diplomatic skills to perform successful activities both within international organizations as well as in diplomatic missions. Equally with men, women have diplomatic weapon in their arsenal such as the ability to negotiate, rational analysis of facts and mediation in order to maintain the peace. Women as negotiators can achieve better results because they are showing the virtues of patience, cooperation, careful listening, and mutual understanding necessary when decided upon the fate of the world.some cases only women, as the officials of IR, have access to parts of the world where gender segregation is prevalent. On the other hand a woman - diplomat can serve as an incentive for all women still suffering of discrimination to escape from the yoke of disregard., The woman - diplomat is the symbol of the fact that the principles of gender equality are working and therefore we enjoy a better functioning democracy, she is a symbol of a mature society.woman is no longer that poor and vulnerable being, dependent on man, isolated from participation in state management and unable to direct her own fate, she became an important pillar of society , an eminent figure in the political and has taken its place at the round table where the fate of the world is decided.

global feminist women international


1. Cook, Bernard A., Women and War, ABC-Clio, Santa-Barbara, California, 2006

. Joshua S. Goldstein, Jon C. Pevehouse, Int...

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