of self-defense
.1 Active defense
defense to protect citizens and police officers, actively influencing the offenders to stop their actions. In this sense, expressed by means of protection include special-purpose weapon or "non-lethal weapons." To Art. 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On Police", they are used only if other methods do not provide the performance of the duties of policemen. This group of special equipment include:
Gas grenades, cartridges and pistols and revolvers for shooting cartridges equipped with tear gas and rubber or similar characteristics missiles non-lethal;
Rubber batons;
Stun devices. grenades, cartridges and guns shooting bullets, filled with tear gas and rubber or similar characteristics missiles non-lethal. grenades, hand or in the form of bullets, tear-filled substance and are called "Cheremukha" (Russia), "Intermediate" (Ukraine) and "Sirens" (Russia). The degree of damage depends on the degree of concentration of the substance in the vehicle. For example, for "Cheremukha" there are three degrees of concentration: threshold (significant), obnoxious, dangerous. Last degree of concentration often created on the premises. The person who was in the area of ​​the tear substance almost instantly deprived of the opportunity to lead active, purposeful actions. After leaving the area of ​​substance within 10-15 minutes of all manifestations of lesions disappear. In the field "Cheremukha" did not significantly affect the eyes of animals (dogs). You must also consider the fact that the effective defeat of offenders who are under the influence of alcohol or high degree of psychological arousal to increase the degree of concentration of tear matter. Ukraine used gas grenades "Teren-6" and "ter-BM" - devices instant spray aerosol irytantu (IPC + CS). These special tools police use to ensure that the special actions by temporarily suppressing psyhovolovoyi stability offenders affecting organs of vision and breath spray irytantu. The device "Teren-6" is used to throwing hand, and "ter-BM" vidstrilyuyetsya by nastvolnoyi mortyrky with submachine gun or rocket launcher "Fort-500." Time wrapped-tion - 3,5 ± 1 s . Volume cloud irytantu - 120-150 m3. Minimum distance using -2 m Its mass in running form is 180 g [8, c.36] armed with the MIA of Ukraine is pump-action shotgun 12 caliber "Fort 500" domestic production. This rifle weighing 3.5 kg with the sighting range of up to 100 meters can be equipped with an example or pistol grip. Supplied guns are nozzles for firing bullets, buckshot and shot, and to use non-lethal weapons, special ammo and grenades and tear of substances irritant action. Russia, armed with grenades are "Cheremukha" and "Siren" outfit active substance CN. cylinders - affordable, reliable and most effective weapon w...