Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Сервіс електронного кафе

Реферат Сервіс електронного кафе

aquo ;, 3, 2), (234, 43 raquo ;, 3, 4), (34, 23 raquo ;, 4, 1), (23, 234 raquo ;, 4, 4), (23, 24 raquo ;, 5, 2); TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `discount` (

`iddiscount` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

`amountdiscount` int (11) NOT NULL,

`percentdiscount` double NOT NULL, KEY (` iddiscount`)

) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INTO `discount` (` iddiscount`, `amountdiscount`,` percentdiscount`) VALUES (1, 200 000, 0.2), (2, 150 000, 0.15), ( 3, 100 000, 0.1);

/*! 40000 ALTER TABLE `discount` ENABLE KEYS * /; TABLE IF NOT EXISTS` dish` (

`idDish` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

`nameDish` varchar (45) NOT NULL,

`priceDish` double NOT NULL,

`weightDish` double NOT NULL,

`dishtype_idDishType` int (11) DEFAULT NULL,

`imagespath` varchar (45) DEFAULT NULL, KEY (` idDish`), KEY `idProduct_UNIQUE` (` idDish`), `fk_dish_dishtype1` (` dishtype_idDishType`), `fk_dish_dishtype1` FOREIGN KEY (` dishtype_idDishType`) REFERENCES `dishtype` (` idDishType`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=26 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INTO `dish` (` idDish`, `nameDish`,` priceDish`, `weightDish`,

`dishtype_idDishType`,` imagespath`) VALUES (1, raquo ;, +2830, 120, 1, images/fri_patatoes.jpg ), (2, raquo ;, 15340, 260, 1, images/spagetti2.jpg ), (3, raquo ;, 13830, 262, 1, images/spagetti1.jpg ), (4, raquo ;, +6010, 155, 1, images/draniki_so_smetanoi.jpg ), (5, raquo ;, 21250, 390, 1, images/chicken_rest.jpg ), (6, raquo ;, 3780, 127, 3, images/ breakfast1.jpg ), (7, raquo ;, 2500, 127, 3, images/breakfast2.jpg ), (8, '' raquo ;, 17540, 272, 2, images/salad_Cezar.jpg ), (10, raquo ;, 12900, 114, 4, images/apple_shtrudel.jpg ), (12, '' raquo ;, 17820, 455, 6, images/checken_with_pineapple.jpg ), (13, '' raquo ;,

, 260, 6, images/pizza_4_cheezes.jpg ), (14, '' raquo ;, 14890, 340, 6, images/pizza_vegatable.jpg ), (15, laquo ; raquo ;, 7450, 170, 5, images/imb_tea.jpg ), (16, raquo ;, +2450, 250, 5, images/orange_juice.jpg ), (17, raquo ;, 3560, 130, 4, images/tvorog_shtrudel.jpg ), (18, Coca-Cola raquo ;, +2970, 250, 5, images/cola.jpg ), (19, raquo ;, +6880, 160, 3,

images/chicken_burger.jpg ), (20, Fanta raquo ;, +2970, 250, 5, images/fanta.jpg ), (21, Sprite raquo ;, +2970, 250, 5 , images/sprite.jpg ), (22,

raquo ;, 1040, 30, 3, images/cucumber.jpg ), (23, raquo ;, 680, 30, 3, images/tomato.jpg ), (24, , 24300, 190, 2, images/salad_from_rostbeaf.jpg ), (25, raquo ;, +6950, 177, 2, images/rabbit_salad.jpg );

/*! 40000 ALTER TABLE `dish` ENABLE KEYS * /; TABLE IF NOT EXISTS` dishtype` (

`idDishType` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

`nameDishType` varchar (45) NOT NULL, KEY (` idDishType`), KEY `iddishType_UNIQUE` (` idDishType`)

) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INTO `dishtype` (` idDishType`, `nameDishType`) VALUES (1, ), (2, ), (3, ), (4, ), (5, ), (6, ); TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `order` (

`idOrder` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

`dishCostOrder` int (11) NOT NULL,

`secondaryCostOrder` int (11) NOT NULL,

`client_idClient` int (11) NOT NULL, KEY (` idOrder`), KEY `idOrder_UNIQUE` (` idOrder`), `fk_order_client1` (` client_idClient`), `fk_order_client1` FOREIGN KEY (` client_idClient`) REFERENCES `client` (` idClient`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION


`idProduct` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

`nameProduct` varchar (45) NOT NULL,

`caloriesPer100grProduct` double DEFAULT NULL, KEY (` idProduct`), KEY `idProduct_UNIQUE` (` idProduct`), `composition` (` idProduct`)

) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INTO `product` (` idProduct`, `nameProduct`,` caloriesPer100grProduct`) VALUES (1, raquo ;, 50), (2, raquo ;, 1), (3, raquo ;, 20), (4, raquo ;, 300), (5 , raquo ;, 89)

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