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Реферат Інструмент OLE

ated from each other by tabs rather than commas. The DELIMITED WITH option can be used to indicate that character fields are delimited by a character other than the quotation mark. The DELIMITED WITH BLANK option can be used to specify files which contain fields separated by spaces instead of commas. The file extension is assumed to be. TXT for all delimited files.

You can import dates from delimited files if the dates are in proper date format. The date format defaults to 'mm/dd/yy'. Including the century portion of a date is optional. FoxPro will import a date that includes the century. If the century isn't included in a date (for example '12/25/92 '), the Twentieth century is assumed. Date delimiters can be any non-numeric character except the delimiter that separates the fields in the delimited file.

Dates in other formats can be imported if their format matches a date format available in SET DATE. To import dates that are not in the default format, issue SET DATE with the proper date format before using APPEND FROM. To test if a date format can be successfully imported, use it with CTOD (). If the date is acceptable to CTOD (), the date will import properly.


FW2 files are created by Framework II. FW2 file names are assumed to have a. FW2 extension.


RPD files are created by RapidFile version 1.2. RPD file names are assumed to have an RPD extension.


An SDF (System Data Format) file is an ASCII text file in which records have a fixed length and end with a carriage return and a line feed. Fields are not delimited. The file name extension is assumed to be. TXT for SDF files. br/>


Data from a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. Each column from the spreadsheet becomes a field in the table; each spreadsheet row becomes a record in the table. A. WK3 file name extension is assigned to a spreadsheet created in Lotus 1-2-3 revision 3.x.

2.2. OLE.

Another method of data exchange between not only FoxPro but between all Windows based applications is OLE (OBJECT LINKING AND EMBEDDING)

First you can use a FoxPro built in command Append General.




APPEND GENERAL is supported in FoxPro for Windows only. p> If an OLE object already exists in the general field, it is replaced with the OLE object from the file. br/>


Include to specify the name of the general field the OLE object is placed in. You can specify a general field in a table open in a noncurrent work area by including the table alias with the field name.

Include to specif...

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