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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Mortgage crediting

Реферат Mortgage crediting

w "On execution". Separate special provisions, which nevertheless should be taken into account while making conclusions on the mortgage agreements, are scattered as well in articles of appropriate laws, such as, for example, the law "On companies of living accommodation proprietors ". In the mortgage of housing accommodations it is necessary to follow requirements of the branch housing legislation, including Housing code of RSFSR, and as well laws and regulations on registration of citizens in their places of residence. Members of the borrower's family also have rights, established by legislation and described in Family and Civil codes of the Russian Federation. Special acts defend interests of infants, elderly persons and disabled persons. p> Up to the beginning the ninetieth years mortgage practically missed. Temporary transfer of property rights on real estate, being the object of mortgage, to the creditor, was a kind of pseudo-mortgage. After settlement of accounts between the debtor and creditor rights on the real estate were transferred back. It was necessary to pay twice rather high State duties, levied from the borrower, and to be ready to run risks connected with possible dishonesty of the creditor receiving rights on real estate for undercharge. Besides, term of rights registration was rather long. In these conditions the above described scheme badly protecting the borrower, could not be distributed broadly. But also after legalization of the mortgage as civilized legal institution, in 1992, contradictions between the out-of-date branch laws did not give lawyers practical possibility to defend effectively rights, but this time not of a borrower, but of the bank-creditor. /11/

There was an impassable gap between "Socialist" housing legislation and new Russian right. p> Unfortunately, recent laws have only partly corrected this intolerant situation. For example, before acceptance of the law "On mortgage" there were no serious basis for ejection of insolvent debtor and his family from the gaged flat. The bank could hope only on transferring property rights with exception of the right of use or its limitation (depending on the size of living space per tenant). Nowadays ejection is quite possible, but under condition of ... granting other living quarters in the same city - in our it means in Moscow, - and with allowance for all existing sanitary requirements. * There is no court practice on realization of the rights of creditor banks in new legal conditions. Earlier collection on gaged flat could be imposed only judicially. With the purpose of avoiding the indicated rule, there was widely used practice of conclusion with insolvent borrower an agreement "on buy off". But from the moment of replacement of initial agreement with a new one, the mortgage contract was terminated and there emerged competition with other creditors. Not all banks took it into account and bargains on purchase and further disposal of the ...

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