-sufficiency. State enterprises vo В¬ possess cutting the state share the right of full hozyayst В¬ the Commercial management, with its own balance sheet and legal status, business entities, have the sa В¬ mostiynu financial responsibility, are covered zahalnodozvolyayuchyy legal regime.institutions (institutions) - are those organizations В¬ tion, formed by the state in non-production area for humanitarian tasks and operate primarily on the basis of funding. Government institutions can be designed to perform specific activities, such as keeping prisoners then В¬ that. The nature and direction of the activity of public institutions В¬ you can not be profitable organizations and therefore stayed В¬ tion on hold due to the state budget.bodies of the state - those of the state, it gave the power of that В¬ to other participants in public life and the necessity В¬ matГ©riel for the exercise of these powers. Powers of state authority is the ability to establish formally binding rules of conduct general В¬ tion or individual character (legal at В¬ pisi) and pursue enforce them [4, p.117]. p> Incomplete meaningful and logically incomplete will review the structure of the state without such a mechanism it necessary links as armed forces. The full implementation of state functions is impossible without the use of case В¬ necessity of coercion, which is the main institution of the military form В¬ tion. Thus, the defense of the sovereignty and territorial integrity and inviolability of the Constitution of Ukraine is regarded В¬ yiny as one of the most important functions of the state, the implementation of which relies on the Armed Forces of Ukraine [2, p. 17]. p> В¬ The general features of them for all kinds of public organizations that are part of the mechanism of the state, is that:
They are inherently governmental institutions as opposed to self-organization;
Their means practically performed the tasks and functions of the state;
They are formed by a decision of the state commissioners of state agencies;
They are funded from the budget;
Their employees as public servants have a special hundred В¬ tus, special employment security and social security [4, p.116]. 's state apparatus has several features that distinguish it from other government agencies that are part of the mechanism of the state, namely:
) state agencies form a well-structured system В¬ nd whose elements interact with each other in order to ensure effective implementation В¬ tion state functions;
) Each State agency vested with jurisdiction (full-novazhennyamy, the subject of a legal liability В¬ tions), which is defined in the law;
) the form of the state apparatus in general and also В¬ tion of its elements are regulated in detail the requirements of legal acts;
) in accordance with the constitutional principle of separation of powers, op В¬ Ghanaian state divided into legislative, executive and s...