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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction

Реферат Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction

n="justify"> using a cut-out figure

. using gesture

. performing an action

. using photographs

. drawing diagrams on the board

. pictures from books

. analytical definition (to these moving images, from TV, video or computer should be added) By verbal explanation

. putting the new word in a defining context (eg we use a pen to write)

. translating into another languageexplanations are useful when introducing abstract ideas such as person , place , etc.except (10) require the learner to do some mental work in constructing a meaning for the new foreign language word. The more learners have to think about a word and its meaning, the more likely they are to remember it. The immediate translation of a new word takes away from the child any need or motivation to think about the meaning of the foreign language word or to hold the new word in mind.need to hear a new word in isolation as well as in a discourse context , so that they can notice the sounds at the beginning and end, the stress pattern of the word, and the syllables that make up the word. For example, when explaining the word tomato : banana is a fruit .. Ba-na-na. It sa banana.vocabulary should be accurate, and the child should be given enough information to prevent confusion.

The development of children s vocabulary

Vocabulary development is not just learning new words but it is also about expanding and deepening word knowledge. Children need to meet words again and again, in new contexts that help increase what they already know about words. Encouraging memorization strategies is an important way to practise new vocabulary. Children should also have the chance to use the new vocabulary in situations where they have control over the choice of language. Recycling vocabulary with board or card games, class surveys, and project work provides an opportunity to integrate the language skills. For example, children can create mind maps on topics already covered such as holidays or create poster displays with drawings and words. Memory games, such as I went to the market and bought ...

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