ts in the Russian Federation shall consider complaints to decisions or action of the state organs, organs of local government, officials, and civil servants if earlier the applicant has appealed these decisions or actions (inactivity) in the judicial or administrative order, but disagrees with the decisions adopted on his complaint. The activity supplements existing means of protection of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. Thus, it is especially specified, that submission of the complaint of the Plenipotentiary on human rights in the Subject of the Russian Federation shall not be the ground for refusal in admission of the similar complaint for consideration by the Plenipotentiary on human rights in the Russian Federation [14]. The law stipulates broad prerogatives of the Plenipotentiary on human rights. Among them is the right of unobstructed visiting of any state organs, organs of local self-government of being present in sessions of their organs, visiting enterprises, establishments, the organizations irrespective of patterns of ownership, to request, to receive data, documents, materials necessary for consideration of the complaint, to receive explanations of officials and public officials, to carry out checks, expert examinations, study of criminal, civil and other cases concerning which the verdicts have come into legal force, and with the cases terminated in procedure and so on. We shall agree with L. Morozova [15], that great hopes in strengthening of guarantees of protection of rights and freedoms of a person have been assigned in the institute of the Plenipotentiary on human rights, established by Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal law. In fact democratic features of the institute such as independence, openness and availability to the citizens can promote finding strong positions in the system of law protecting mechanisms within the framework of a civil society and a lawful state. hope that realization of rights and freedoms of a person is impossible without democratic legislative base. The above mentioned analysis, allows to make the conclusion that, the normative legal acts adopted at the end of XX century in Russia expressed interests and will of the people, interests and will of the civil society, embodied the idea of ??human rights. Constitution, laws and other legal acts of the Russian state have greatly followed and met the ripened public needs. The leading role in formation of the law, most objectively and adequately expressing interests of the free and progressive person, was allocated to the civil society; as it is the very institute, which commensurating interests of the person and the state, has given the right the new vector of development, having regarded the person, his rights and freedoms of paramount importance.
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