ee of the municipal unit of the city of Kazan to regulate the questions of management of the housing fund of the city, being the municipal property. The given legal position was confirmed and in the resolution on the case of the complaint of the citizen RS Karamullin, who disputed the statutory acts of the Executive committee of the municipal unit of the city of Kazan about tariffs on basic facilities. Besides, in this resolution with the reference to Recommendation of the Committee of the Ministers of the Council of Europe No. R (2005) from January 19, 2005 About financial facilities of local and regional authorities was fixed the duty of the municipal body of the city of Kazan to preserve and to provide at approving tariffs on housing-public facilities address and maximum individualized measures of financial maintenance of most needy categories of grantees of the given services.less actively there are applied the European standards and norms of other international legal documents in the field of protection of human rights by the constitutional (charter) courts by other subjects of the Russian Federation. The given practice regional organ to constitutional justice gains the stable nature and has excellent prospects, and that has already been mentioned in scientific publications of a number researchers, in particular by the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation NS Bondar [4] .is necessary to specify that application of the European Covenant and Records to it, as well as decisions to Strasburg Court - is not simply the question of legal technology of decision making by bodies of the regional constitutional justice. This tendency seriously influences the prospects of the judicial system of Russia on the whole and the constitutional (charter) courts in particular. Application of European standards on protection of human rights in activities of the constitutional justice gives the preconditions for increase of independence of whole judicial branch from authorities. The possibility to be orientated on the European standards allows raising the role of the Russian courts and at the same time entrusts all the branches of authorities with additional liability to take all necessary measures for greatly quick and their full observance. Eventually, it will allow all Russian courts, and in particular constitutional (charter) courts in the Russian Federation, at the high level to execute their main function - to protect rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen and hereunder render the weighty assistance in development in Russia of the European on its nature legal state.
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