l law», proved by already mentioned Czech jurist K. Klima [46]., Numerous constitutional crises and conflicts in the modern history of Ukraine, connected with adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine of 1996 року, all Ukrainian referendum on April 16, 2000 and implementation of its decisions, elections of the president of Ukraine and Orange revolution in 2004, realization of the Law of Ukraine «About entry of changes to the Constitution of Ukraine »from December 8, 2 004, parliamentary and local elections and formation of the parliamentary coalition and of the government in 2006, the preschedule termination by the President of Ukraine of the powers of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine of VI convocation in 2007, and a number of other constitutional crises and conflicts, prove the perspectives of research of problems of the theory and practice of the constitutional conflict and formation of such independent direction of the constitutionally-legal researches as the constitutional and state-legal conflictology (UG Barabash, S.V. Bobrovnik, I.V. Vashchenko, A.A. Ezerov, and others) [47]. The contents and results of the corresponding researches allow to make the assumption, that the constructive decision, or creation of impossibility of the constitutional and state-legal conflicts is the achievable result, under the condition of the appropriate settlement of collisions in the constitutionally-legal regulation.problems of the theory and practice of the collision law are investigated enough in foreign jurisprudence, mainly, in the general theory of the law [48] for the Ukrainian constitutionally-legal science the question concerning the constitutional collisions and the constitutional law of conflict is rather new. For the first time the problems of collisions in the constitutional law of Ukraine has started to investigate UM Todyka seeing, that the collision can not considered exclusively as the negative phenomenon as their elimination and overcoming often favours to improvement of the working legislation of Ukraine [49]. Today almost the uniform educational edition, in which after the above mentioned work of UM Todyka there are covered problems of the theory and practice of legal collisions in the constitutional law of Ukraine is the corresponding work is OV Sovgyr and N.G. Shuklina. [50]. At the same time, the corresponding problematic is obtained on modern law making and law enforcement practice.the law of conflict in its objective value as its basic subject is the collision of the constitutionally-legal acts (temporal, spatial, hierarchical (subordination)) which are understood disagreements between different kinds of these acts, in case of regulation by them of the similar constitutionally-legal relations, and also constitutionally - - legal ways and means of their overcoming. Thus, in the constitutional law making practice the most comprehensive ways of decision of collisions of constitutionally-legal acts still remains law making (passing of the new, canceling of the working act and entry of changes to the working constitutionally-legal act) or adoption of conflict norms which are the means of elimination of collisions in the working constitutional law of Ukraine., nowadays in many countries of the world there are taken other organizational-legal forms of elimination and overcoming of the constitutional collisions, for example, formation of coordinated commissions or councils. The course of the constitutional process in 2007-2009 in Ukraine certifies the perspectivity of the similar organizational forms for the national and foreign law making and law enforcement experts.our opinion, the newly created conflict constitutional law (from Latin. Collisio - collision) in Ukraine there is today presented by the system of material and remedial norms in this field of the law, directed on the decision of collisions in constitutional law making and law enforcement activity. Thus, in the process of overcoming the constitutional collisions there forms the new kind of norms of this field of the law - the constitutional conflict norms [51] .with material and procedural norms of the constitutional law the constitutional conflict norms form the independent element of the system of the constitutional law of Ukraine - the constitutional law of conflict. It is also possible to provide, that further the conflict constitutional norms, in connection with material and remedial norms of this and other spheres of the law will form institutes of the conflict of the constitutional law.the same time, the novelty of the problematic of identification of the constitutional law of conflict as the component of the researched by us branch system of the law, favoured to some degree to the erroneous statement, that the system of the constitutional law of Ukraine, except for other elements in its structure, contains « material, remedial and, considering realities of the modern constitutional process, the conflict constitut...