apparatus as a whole. Therefore, the state should take care of that one hundred В¬ regards to to public bodies clearly been defined scope of В¬ sibilities activities and competencies were organized their interaction В¬ movidnosyny with nongovernmental agencies and organizations, especially local authorities, to government agencies represented relatively independent, professional and responsible managers of the state apparatus [11, c.71]. who work in any state organiza В¬ tions are divided into workers and employees. - a person who works in state enterprises or other state organizations and state payroll vnormovanu performs certain services (job) functions of an industrial nature.servant (public official) - a person who works in the state В¬ tion of the organization, and set the state for wage-performing certain services (job) functions outside work.of civil servants:
) leaders (servants endowed with powerful in В¬ vnovazhennyamy to other team members from В¬ relevant state organizations);
) experts (employees who must have certain professional knowledge for the relevant pro В¬ occupational duties without power);
) Technical personnel (employees, which in В¬ kladayetsya auxiliary functions that do not require special training and powers) [13, c.98-99]. states have general and specific characteristics. Common signs include the following:
) All state agencies established pursuant to under В¬ stake through direct or representative demo В¬ Democracy, designed to perform statutory functions;
) with state-of powers;
) apply in the prescribed manner;
) inter-relation of subordination;
) all work together to create a single integrated system that kinase В¬ vayetsya apparatus of the state.features, ie those which separate public from private bodies, as well as organizations in the modern democratic state, should be considered include: p>
Forming them directly by the people through elections or public bodies that are formed by the people;
Implementation of public authorities of their functions on behalf of the state;
Execution of every public authority clearly defined them В¬ established by law office types and forms of activity;
The presence in each state agency vested organizational structure of local mass В¬ headquarters activities specific legal act (provisions В¬ tion) that determines its place and role in the state apparatus and the procedure of its relationships with other government agencies and organizations;
Provision of public authorities to state-powerful character. The presence of state-powerful char В¬ ing is the most important feature of a public authority under which it is possible to sufficiently clear distinction der В¬ state bodies from other government organizations (enterprises В¬ prises, institutions) and from non-governmental agencies and organizations [7, p.114-115]. of the authority of the state consists of :) device tha...