о судокуSetValInSud (var s: matrix.t_matr; i , j: byte; v: byte);// установка значеніяIsValidSudoky (s: matrix.t_matr): boolean;// перевірка судоку на правильність;
TSudoky.SetValInSud (var s: Matrix.t_matr; i: Byte; j: Byte; v: Byte); [i, j]: = v;; TSudoky.sudInLine;: 1 .. 9;: = True; i: = 1 to 9 dop.y <> i thens [pX, i] = v then Exit;: = False;;
TSudoky.sudInRow;: 1 .. 9;: = True; i: = 1 to 9 dop.x <> i thens [i, pY] = v then Exit;: = False; ;
TSudoky.sudInSq;, iy: 0 .. 8;, ly: 0 .. 8;: = 0; ly: = 0; px in [1,2,3] then lx: = 1; px in [4,5,6] then lx: = 4; px in [7,8,9] then lx: = 7;: = lx-1; py in [1,2,3] then ly: = 1; py in [4,5,6] then ly: = 4; py in [7,8,9] then ly: = 7;: = ly-1;: = True; ix: = 1 to 3 doiy : = 1 to 3 do (p.x <> lx + ix) and (p.y <> ly + iy) thens [lx + ix, ly + iy] = v then Exit;: = False;; TSudoky . sudInAny;: = sudInLine (s, p, v) or sudInRow (s, p, v) or sudInSq (s, p, v);;
TSudoky.IsNextUnknown;, iy: 1 .. 9;: = False; ix: = 1 to 9 doiy: = 1 to 9 dos [ix, iy] = 0 then begin: = True; . X: = ix;. Y: = iy;;;// if;
TSudoky.sudMod;: Matrix.t_matr;: = s; [px, py]: = v;: = st;;
TSudoky.sudAddAns;: integer;: = Length (ans); (ans, l +1); [l]: = s;;
TSudoky.DoRec;: integer;: TPoint;: = True; IsNextUnknown (s, p) then begin// запуск рекурсійi: = 1 to 9 donot sudInAny (s, p, i) thenDoRec ( sudMod (s, p, i)) then
Exit; else begin// збереження результату
sudAddAns (s);; Length (ans)
Tsudoky.IsValidSudoky (s: matrix.t_matr): boolean;, iy: integer;: TPoint; ix: = 1 to 9 doiy: = 1 to 9 do begin.X: = ix;. Y: = iy; s [ix, iy] <> 0 thensudInAny (s, p, s [ix, iy]) then begin: = False;;;// if;// for: = True;;
Tsudoky.Create; i, j: integer; I: = 1 to matrix.n doj: = 1 to matrix.n do sud [i, j]: = 0;;
Tsudoky.Done; i, j: integer; I: = 1 to matrix.n doj: = 1 to matrix.n do sud [i, j]: = 0;;
Tsudoky.SudOK (s: matrix.t_matr): boolean; i, j, z1, z2, t: integer;: boolean;
: = false;: = 1;: = 1; (j <= matrix.n) and (flag = false) do: = 1; (i <= matrix.n) and (flag = false) do: = i +1;: = j +1;: = s [i, j]; (z1 <= matrix.n) and (flag = false) dot = s [z1, j] then flag: = true;: = z1 +1;; (z2 <= matrix.n) and (flag = false) dot = s [i, z2] then flag: = true;: = z2 +1;;: = i +1 ;;: = j +1;;: = flag;; tsudoky.generate (var s: matrix.t_matr); i, j, k, z: byte;: matrix.t_set;: matrix.t_mas_set;: boolean;: matrix.t_matr;;: = [];: = 1; i: = 1; j <= matrix.n do begin: = random (matrix.n) +1; not (k in m) then begin [i, j ]: = k;: = m + [k]; [j]: = t [j] + [k];: = j +1;;;
i: = 2 to 3 do matr.Sdvig (s, i); i: = 2 to 3 d...