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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Сочинения

Реферат на тему: Thе Communist Party of Australia

Essay from theme: The Communist Party of Australia В  It has been generally accepted that the events at the ninth annual conference of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) in 1929, resulting in a change of leadership and the ousting of the "right-wing deviationists", were a turning point in its history. The incidents which surrounded the 1929 conference, the characterisation of the leading players, the role of the Communist International (Com...
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Реферат на тему: The origins of the International Socialists

Thе Оrіgіns оf thе Іntеrnаtіоnаl Sоcіаlіsts (еssаy) Whеn Dаvе Nаdеl аnd Chrіs Gаffnеy аssеmblеd а smаll Grоup оf thеіr pоlіtіcаl аssоcіаtеs tоgеthеr оn а wаrm summеrs 'еvеnіng іn Dеcеmbеr 1971, thеy hаd nо plаn tо еstаblіsh аn Іntеrnаtіоnаl Sоcіаlіst tеndеncy іn Аustrаlіа. Іndееd Nаdеl wаs prоbаbly thе оnly pеrsоn WHО hаd еvеn hеаrd оf thе ІS tеndеncy. Аnd fоrmаlly, аt lеаst, Nаdеl's pоlіtіcs аt Thіs stаgе wеrе nоt thоsе оf ІS. Bоth Hе аnd Gаffnеy subscrіb...
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Реферат на тему: The National Parks of Great Britan

School - ghymnasia № 6 Project work The Natieonal Parks of Great Britan Dany by: Chernyshova Nastya В В В В В  From Teacher: Kestel O. V. В В В В В В В В В  Semey 2009 В  Content 1. Introduction 2. Dartmoor National park History Pre-history Beardown Man, Dartmoor The ...
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Реферат на тему: Return to materialism

RETURN TO MATERIALISM (essay) В В  Introduction В  As we reach halfway through the 1990s certain errors that characterized much of the left in the radicalization of the 1960s and 1970s are now somewhat clearer. In this article I want to focus on the sectarianism and dogmatism that dominated much of the left for a period. Specifically I want to try to make an evaluation of the strength and weakness of the movement that ba...
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Реферат на тему: Reforming government in Australia

REFORMING GOVERNMENT IN AUSTRALIA (essay) A striking feature of Paul Sheehan's best selling book, Amongst the Barbarians, is that it is almost totally negative. It contains attacks on many groups, races and categories of people, but there are no positive proposals at all to address perceived problems, except the entirely abstract and rhetorical proposition that Australia should become an "ecological superpower", whatever that means. ...
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Реферат на тему: Paleontology

Paleontology (essay) Paleontology is the study of ancient life forms - plant, animal, bacterial, and others - by means of the fossil record they have left behind. Paleontologists search for, unearth, and examine fossils to determine every aspect of these ancient life forms, including their body structure, geographic distribution, adaptation to environment, interaction with other species and other members of their own species, taxonomic relationship with ancient and ...
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Реферат на тему: Modern dialectical materialism

Modern dialectical materialism (essay) В  Introduction We are living in a period of profound historical change. After a period of 40 years of unprecedented economic growth, the market economy is reaching its limits. At the dawn of capitalism, despite its barbarous crimes, it revolutionized the productive forces, thus laying the basis for a new system of society. The First World War and the Russian Revolution signalled a decisive c...
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Реферат на тему: Mass migration in Australia

MASS MIGRATION IN AUSTRALIA (essay) В  In my view, the basic ethical outlook of Marxist and Catholic philosophy about the relationship between the human race and the material environment are quite similar despite the apparent conflict between them. Over the course of my own life both have contributed to the formation of my attitude to the migration question. Both ethical systems regard the human species as the highest development of ev...
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Реферат на тему: Marxism and women's movement

Mаrxіsm аnd Wоmеn's mоvеmеnt (еssаy) Thе purpоsе оf Thіs аrtіclе ІS tо еxаmіnе thе thеоry аnd prаctіcе оf Mаrxіsm аs ІT rеlаtеs tо wоmеn's lіbеrаtіоn. Іn rеspоnsе tо fеmіnіst crіtіcіsm, mаny Mаrxіsts hаvе bееn unnеcеssаrіly dеfеnsіvе. Іn rеаlіty, thе rеvоlutіоnаry Mаrxіst trаdіtіоn hаs а prоud rеcоrd. Thіs ІS vеry clеаr whеn Wе cоmpаrе thе pоlіtіcs аnd аctіvіtіеs оf t...
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Реферат на тему: Future of aboriginal Australians

FUTURE OF ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIANS (essay) There is a lot of debate about the history and antiquity of human settlement in Australia. The question of establishing the date of earliest settlement has become highly charged. There is a raging academic controversy over dating and identifying a whole school of cave art in Arnhem Land. One academic has even asserted that these paintings were produced by some people other than the ancestors of th...
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