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Реферат Historical measurement of the science of governing


Management academy at the President of Republic of Belarus


On discipline: the Government

On a theme: Historical measurement of the science of governing

MINSK 2010

The government theory is one of most important and perspective directions of the modern political thoughts. Political sphere from the complete, not divided human society, branch of the world political from economic, social and spiritual subsystems has occurred enough late. Originally political phenomena were studied in frameworks dominating paradigms in connection with the general complex of the public phenomena.

Within almost two things - since times of Antiquity and up to XIX century - all knowledge of the social phenomena were uniform complete system. But already Aristotle (384-322 BC) gave to the doctrine about the government dominating value. All the public life, in its opinion, kept within frameworks of a political life and was placed in the service of the state. He underlined: В«As the science about the state uses other sciences as means and, besides, legislatively defines, what acts should be made and from what to abstain, its purpose includes, probably, the purposes of other sciences, hence, this purpose also will be the higher the blessing for people В».

Antique philosophers considered state occurrence as natural process of complication of forms of a hostel of people, this concept has received the name of the patriarchal theory of the state. Aristotle has offered one of the first such hypothesis: in the beginning people have united in families, then some families have formed settlement, and at a finishing stage of this process there was a state as the form of a hostel of the citizens using a political system. p> Aristotle underlined: in all people the nature has installed aspiration to the state dialogue and the first who has organised this dialogue, has rendered to mankind the greatest blessing. Within the limits of the patriarchal theory the state is considered as the big family where relations of the governor and its citizens are identified with relations of the patriarch - the chief of family and members of his family.

Crisis of the antique policy has forced known antique philosophers to address to a problem of strengthening of the government, a consent and order guarantee in a society. Platon (427-347 BC) places special emphasis on the government prime target - achievement of integrity of a society through maintenance of the consent of all public estates. He underlines: В«We still in the beginning when based the state, have established what to do it is necessary by all means for the sake of whole. And so this whole also is justice ... В»

he most dangerous tendency destroying the government, Platon considered aspiration of some public groups to depart from service to general welfare, usurping public functions for extraction of personal benefit. In Platon's ideal state the guards knowing safety, should not use gold and silver, could not even touch them, be decorated by them or drink from gold and silver vessels. Platon warned: В«... Hardly own earth, houses, money as now from guards there are they owners and land owners will be got at them; from allies of other citizens will become hostile or lords; hating and causing to themselves hatred, feeding malicious intentions and them being afraid, all of them time will live in більшому fear before internal enemies, than before external, and in that case both they and all state will direct to the prompt destruction.

But for the government Platon considered as the greatest harm oligarchy. It defined oligarchy as a political system which is based on a property qualification: at the power there rich, and poor men do not participate in management of public affairs.

The property qualification establishment becomes the law and norm of an oligarchic system; the more a system oligarchic, the above the qualification. p> The such state order keeps application of the armed force. Platon with indignation wrote that in oligarchies

The avidity and self-interest are erected to a throne and, except riches and rich men nothing causes delight and honoring, and the ambition is directed only on money-making and on everything, that to it conducts. p> In the Middle Ages process of occurrence of the state began to consider within the limits of religious outlook as establishment of institute of the terrestrial power established by the God. This concepts has received the name of the theological theory of the state. Modern Catholicism considers as the official doctrine about the state Fomy Akvinsky's (1225-1274) sights which called people for obedience of the government connected with divine la...

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