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Реферат Historical measurement of the science of governing

ws. It developed the concept В«two градівВ» which in the spirit of the Christian doctrine has tried to dissolve authority of the state and authority of church: В«give кесарів to the Caesar, and Боже to the God В». p> Known Russian political philosopher Bulgakov (1871 1944), estimating this period in history, fairly underlined: split of a public life on the secular and church has brought serious dissonance and double-entry bookkeeping even in souls of those who quite understood all historical relativity and internal abnormality of this bifurcation. For the conservative "guarding" position of non-interference to a state policy and a public life with moral criteria the medieval church has paid, on the one hand, with humanistic tearing away from it its most active part, with another - own impoverishment, fading of creative spirit. p> The new understanding of the government notes an epoch of late Revival. Italian thinker Nikola Machiavelli (1469-1527) considers for the first time the state administration in a technological key - as technologies of the government. The technological approach to the government assumes, that the criterion of efficiency is put above moral standards and rules. For Machiavelli he expert in the field of the government is the expert offering useful technological recipes to competitors of the government. It recognizes that the government can change the owners, pass from hands in hands. p> Recipes of government Machiavelli addresses to "a new sovereignВ», aspiring to keep the power which is challenged constantly by new competitors: В«it is difficult to keep the power to a new sovereign. And even to the hereditary sovereign who has attached new possession - so the state becomes as though mixed, it is difficult to keep over it the power first of all owing to the same natural reason what causes revolutions in all new states. p> Namely: people, believing, that the new governor will appear better, willingly rise against old, but soon on experience are convinced, that were deceived, for the new governor always appears worse old В». p> Tool science of the government at Machiavelli philosophers, and the political professionals above all putting political efficiency as those should seize not. From its point of view, В«a new sovereignВ» should not follow morals precepts if it is necessary - to recede from good and to use this ability depending on the circumstances. For realization of the domination В«a new sovereignВ» can use any means: В«whenever possible not to leave from good, but at need not to avoid and harms В». Murders because of a corner, intrigues, plots, and other artful means he recommended to Use poisonings widely in business of a gain and government deduction. For this reason Machiavelli name became in the government an insidiousness and immoralist synonym. When today speak about макіавеллізм, mean low moral qualities of people. p> Machiavelli divided sovereigns into lions and foxes. Lions are brave and fearless, but they cannot notice danger in time. Therefore foxes more succeed in the government: fair deceivers and hypocrites. They are in the opinion of people compassionate, true to a word, mercy, sincere, pious, but internally keep ability to show opposite qualities if it is necessary. p> Макіавеллі wrote: В«So, from all animals let a sovereign will assimilate to two: to a lion and a fox. The lion is afraid of traps, and a fox - wolves, hence, it is necessary to be similar to a fox to be able to bypass traps, and to a lion to frighten off wolves. The one who is always similar to a lion, cannot notice a trap. From what follows, that the reasonable governor cannot and should not remain to the true promise if it harms to its interests and if the reasons which have induced it to give the promise have disappeared. p> Such council would be unworthy if people fairly held a word, but people, being погані, words do not hold, therefore and you should arrive with them as. And a plausible excuse to break the promise always will be. Examples to that set: how many peace treaties, how many agreements have not come into force or has ruined that sovereigns broke the word, and always in a prize there was the one who had the fox nature. However it is necessary still to be able to cover this nature, it is necessary to be the fair deceiver and a hypocrite, people so are ingenuous and so are absorbed by the nearest needs, that deceiving always will find the one who will allow itself to make a fool.

It is necessary to be in the opinion of people compassionate, true to a word, mercy, sincere, pious - and to be that really, but internally it is necessary to keep readiness to show and opposite qualities if it appears it is necessary В». p> In the end of ХIХ century German philosopher Fredric Nitsshe (1844-1900), in many respects following traditions макіавеллізм, has created the concept of the super person - В«the great person of crowdВ», capable to carry out the governme...

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