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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Інструмент OLE

Реферат Інструмент OLE


1.Task for the laboratory work .

2.Theory part.

2.1. Build-in FoxProw commands

2.2. OLE

3. Practical usage of data of data transfer.

4. Technical facilities & literature used.

5. Applications

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1. Task for the laboratory work.


The aim of this work is to show our ability to work with different Microsoft applications & to produce the data exchange between them, using build-in commands, OLE instruments & other possible facilities.

In the practical examples we will show the data transfer process using the following Microsoft Applications: FoxPro, Excel & Word.

Also it is necessary to present the theory about the data transfer for it is impossible to use all of them in the examples. <В 

2. Theory part.

There are several different ways to transfer data from FoxPro to different Microsoft Applications & vice versa.

2.1. Built-in FoxPro commands.


Operator can use several built-in commands of FoxPro such as Export, Import, Copy and Append from .

Now we would like to present some helpful information about these operands.

The format of EXPORT is:




[FOR ]



[[TYPE] DIF | MOD | SYLK | WK1 | WKS | WR1 | WRK | XLS]]


Use EXPORT to use FoxPro data in other software packages. p> If the table/.DBF you are exporting from is indexed, the new file created is created in the indexed order.


Include the name of the file to which FoxPro exports data. If you do not include an extension with the file name, the default extension for the specified file type is assigned.


Include FIELDS to specify which fields are copied to the new file. If the FIELDS clause is omitted, all fields are copied to the new file. Memo and general fields are not copied to the new file even if their names are included in the field list.

The scope clauses are: ALL, NEXT , RECORD , and REST. These are explained in the Overview of the FoxPro Language chapter in the FoxPro Language Reference. Commands which include operate only on the table/.DBF in the active work area.

You can specify a scope of records to copy to the new file. Only the record...

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