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Реферат The types of extracurricular work in approach of foreign language


. The role of extracurricular works in foreign language at school

. 1 The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language

. 2 Principles of the organization of extracurricular work on a foreign language

. 3 Requirements to extracurricular work

. The types of extracurricular work in approach of foreign language

. 1 Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language

. 2 Facultative employment, as a kind of extracurricular work at school

. 3 Use the Internet in extracurricular work on English language

. 4 Used extracurricular activities during my practical work

extracurricular foreign language


Extracurricular work on a foreign language has the big general educational and developing value. This work not only depends and expands knowledge of a foreign language, but also promotes expansion of a culturological outlook of pupils, development of their creative activity, esthetic taste and, as consequence, raises motivation to study language and culture of other country.of constant perfection of system and formation practice is caused by the social changes occurring in a society. Questions improvement of quality of formation and level of good breeding of the person and remain priority in a modern technique of teaching of a foreign language. [3,151] Object of the research: Teaching process of English language at school. Subject of the research: the role of extracurricular works in the process of foreign language teaching.work purpose: Develop and approve an extracurricular work in system of foreign language teaching. The purpose has demanded the decision of some tasks :. to give a theoretical substantiation of a design technique of training foreign language in its psychological and didactic aspects on the basis of the retrospective analysis of the scientific-theoretical literature on the given problem; to investigate and prove technology of use of a design technique at training foreign language at the closing stage of average comprehensive school; to investigate and analyze the published pedagogical experience on the given problem; to analyze a private experience of use of a design technique in system of educational and non- learning employment on senior steps of training foreign language, to reveal efficiency of design training as new pedagogical technology in an education system.of research:

. Studying and the analysis of the psychology -pedagogical and linguistic scientific-theoretical literature on the given problem.

. Conversation with teachers and pupils.

. Supervision over activity of teachers and pupils in the course of teaching foreign language.

. Questioning among pupils and teachersanization and carrying out of extracurricular action from the teacher thin both skillful supervision and studying of interests of pupils; the account of their age and psychological features, their interests is requiredoice of a theme of extracurricular work for this or that level of training is defined, on the one hand, by volume of a language material, on the other hand, level of general educational preparation of pupils, possibility of realization of some intersubject communications. It is necessary to use as much as possible knowledge and the abilities of pupils got by them in the course of study and participation in extracurricular work, minimum to load their learning of a new material, especially such contains unfamiliar lexical units and the grammatical phenomena. term paper theme has been chosen recognizing that extracurricular work has huge value for mastering by pupils of a teaching material and mastering by additional knowledge on a foreign language with use of accessible and interesting methods.work main objectives and problems, extracurricular work, a technique of their carrying out, the requirement to them, and also modern methods and means in carrying out of facultative employment are considered.


. 1 The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on the foreign language

The modern school has a wide experience of carrying out of educational work on a foreign language which makes a part of uniform teaching and educational process. Extracurricular work on foreign language can be defined as system non-uniform on sense, appointment and a technique of carrying out of educational actions which fall outside t...

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