Роль міжнародніх організацій системи ООН в управлінні Економічною політікою
Курсова робота з менеджменту
Виконала студентка ІІІ-го курсу 301 групи Кравець В. П.
Міністерство освіти України
Київський державний лінгвістічній университет
Гуманітарний інститут (кафедра соціально-економічних наук)
Київ - 1999
An important place in the modern system of international relations belongs to United Nations Organization (UNO). This organization, which has united different states for support of an international peace and security, assists economic and social progress of all nations. For more than 50 years of its existance UNO has transformed into an integral part of an international structure.
UNO was created in 1945. This is the most universal and the most influential national organization of the present time. Its activities are aimed at economic and social objectives, which strengthen world's stability. UNO system of international organizations helps to provide this stability.
For a long time in world economics international community has been looking for ways to solve problems with assistance of UNO and its authorities through the system of international economic organizations. For the decade large enough practical expirience, a set of initiations and theoretical cultivations have been accumulated.
One of main authorities of UNO is Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which coordinates an activity of different interstate commissions and commitees and special programmes in the structure of UNO. It organizes researches and prepares different kinds of reports and recommendations for various international economic, social, politic and other questions.
Activity of specialized authorities of UNO are closely connected with ECOSOC. They are completely independent interstate organizations. They play an important role in management of economic relations. Their activity is forwarded to assistance in solving problems not only in different states, but in the whole world.
And the system of UNO - Organization and authorities, which belong to it - spare no efforts forwarded to economic and social development of countries. They propose programmes, international conferences and other methods, which provide solving problems - from diversitified development to creation of concrete projects on separate fields.
Прапора рісою розвітку людського Суспільства у ХХ ст. є Зміцнення взаємозв'язків и взаємозалежності країн и народів як тенденція, Історично обумовлена ​​Вимогами НТР, РОЗВИТКУ міжнародного співробітніцтва, З'явилися глобальних проблем, особливо посилам у Другій половіні століття, породила велику кількість різноманітніх міжнародніх організацій.
У сучасній Системі міжнародніх відносін ВАЖЛИВО місце захи Організації Об'єднаних націй, яка, по суті, є дерло в истории механізмом ш...