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Реферат Developing reading skills

Ministry of Education and Science of UkraineIvan Franko National UniversityEnglish Department

reading skills

Course paper presented byMizernyk4th year studentthe English Departmentby.M. Vlokhprofessorthe English Department




Chapter I. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills

Chapter II. Methods of Teaching Reading to Learners

Ask a friend . Turn to a friend and say, What s this word?

Skip the word . If you are still creating meaning, why stop the process to figure out a word?

Phonics . Using minimal letter cues in combination with context clues to figure out what the word is [12, 18]. Is an easy and natural direct method that facilitates oral work. The disadvantage of this method is that it encourages the learner the habit of reading one word at a time. All words cannot be taught by using pictures. There are abstract words, full meaning of which cannot be understood through single, separate words. Moreover, it ignores spelling [22; 7].

.1.4 The Phrase Method

The phrase method lies midway between the word method and the sentence method. It helps in extending the eye span. Phrases can be presented with more interesting material aids. The teacher prepares a list of phrases and writes one phrase on the blackboard. He asks the students to look at the phrase attentively. The teacher reads the phrase and pupils repeat it several times. New phrases are compared with the phrases already taught. It has all the limitations of the word method. It places emphasis on meaning rather than reading [22; 7]. br/>

2.1.5 The Sentence Method

The most difficult thing in learning to read is to get information from a sentence or a paragraph on the basis of the knowledge of structural signals and not only the meaning of words. Pupils often ignore grammar and try to understand what they read relying on their knowledge of autonomous words. And, of course, they often fail, e. g., the sentence " He was asked to help the old woman" is understood as " ВІН попросивши Допомогті старшій жінці ", in which the word he becomes the subject and is not the object of the action. [17; 181]. This method the whole sent...

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