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Реферат Developing reading skills

ence is the minimum meaningful unit. It is also a look and say method . This method is used in situational teaching. Students learn words and letters of the alphabet afterwards. Flash cards are used. The flash card contains the whole sentence. The method is useful for continuous reading. Words and sentences should be familiar to the children. The sentence method can be used effectively only when the children are already able to speak the language. The procedure of this method is sentence -> phrase-> words-> letters [22; 7]. The sentence method deals with the sentences as units of approach in teaching reading. The teacher can develop students 'ability to read sentences with correct intonation. Later the sentence is split up into words. It facilitates speaking and is natural as well as psychological. It develops the eye span and helps in self learning. It makes use of visual aids. However, readers find it difficult to read a sentence without the knowledge of words and letters. Thus, it is rather a time consuming method [22; 7].

2.1.6 The Story Method. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension

story method is an advanced method over the sentence method. It creates interest among the children. It gives the complete unit of thought. The teacher tells the story in four or five sentences illustrated through pictures. The children first memorize the story and then read it. The limitations of this method consist in failing to develop the habit of reading accurately and putting a heavy load on the memory of the student [22; 8]. Special attention is given to intonation since it is of great importance to the actual division of sentences, to stressing the logical predicate in them. (Marking the text occasionally may be helpful. [17; 184]. Should not forget to perform before-reading-practices:

В· Teach the pronunciation of difficult to read words [3; 3]. students can read the words in a passage accurately and fluently, their reading comprehension will be enhanced [ 3; 5]. Word recognition and decoding skills are necessary, though not sufficient for reading comprehension. According to the National Reading Panel, systematic and explicit decoding instruction improves students word recognition, spelling, and reading comprehension. Fluent reading in the primary grades is related to reading comprehension [3; 6]. Of words for decoding instruction:

. Use the list of difficult to read words provided in your program. p align="justify">. If list of words is not provided or inadequate for your students, preview the passage selecting the difficult to read words. p align="justify">. Divide the difficult to pronounce words into two categories for instructional purposes:

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