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Реферат A Critical evaluation of infrared analysis and mass spectrometry in forensic science


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The outline

of Infrared Analysisof Mass Spectrometryof the uses in forensic analysiscomparison of Infrared Analysis and Mass SpectrometryCited


order to answer the variety of questions that is posed to the forensic investigation, it is frequently necessary to conduct studies of individual objects using methods that require deep knowledge not only in the field of forensic medicine, but sciences , including criminology. The objects of such studies are the victims, defendants, suspects, weapon injuries and fabric body, clothing, footwear, materials of criminal cases and others. Amongst the several instruments that forensic scientists use in their day-to-day use, in order to aid investigators to determine how a crime was committed, both the infrared spectrophotometer and the mass spectrometer are on top of the list. These instruments are routinely used in molecular analysis and for the determinations of chemical structures (Siegel, Saukko, & Knupfer, 2000). The methods have different value and background; however have the same power and effect in investigations. The methods provide investigation with the quick and reliable results of evidence, contributing to a rapid and successful disclosure of crime. Identification and comparison of the materials is carried out by means of spectral libraries. br/>

Nature of Infrared Analysis

spectroscopy (IR) or Infrared Analysis is the section of the spectroscopy covering longer wavelengths (> 730 nm for visible light, a red border). Infrared spectra arise from the vibration (rotational part) of the molecules, namely - as a result of transitions between the vibration levels of the ground electronic state of molecules. IR radiation absorbs many gases, except O2, N2, H2, Cl2 and monatomic gases. Absorption occurs at a wavelength, which is characteristic for each specific gas, for CO, for example, the wavelength is 4.7 microns (P. & P. ​​Atkins, 2009). With the help of infrared absorption spectra it can be set different molecular structure of organic (and inorganic) substances with relatively short molecules: antibiotics, enzymes, alkaloids, polymers, complex compounds. The vibration spectra of molecules of various organic (and inorganic) substances with a relatively long molecules (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, DNA, RNA, etc.) Are in the terahertz range, so the structure of these molecules can be installed using radio frequency terahertz spectrometer (Mukamel, 2000). The number and positio...

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