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Реферат The Federal Reserve System



. General information about Federal Reserve System

1.1History of formation and development of FRS

1.2The organizational structure of the US Federal Reserve

2. Monetary policy of Federal Reserve System

2.1 Monetary policy

2.2 The implementation of Monetary Policy

2.3 The Federal Reserve System in international sphere


List of Literature



In his term paper I will discuss the creation of the Federal Reserve of its functions, which includes the Federal Reserve System. How to influence interest rates on exchange rates, as banks around the world depend on the Federal Reserve system. I think it is very important and interesting topic for me because I am a financier. In this paper I will try to reveal all the details.US economy and the world economy are linked in many ways. Economic developments in this country have a major influence on production, employment, and prices beyond our borders; at the same time, developments abroad significantly affect our economy. The US dollar, which is the currency most used in international transactions, constitutes more than half of other countries official foreign exchange reserves. US banks abroad and foreign banks in the United States are important.Federal Reserve has supervisory and regulatory authority over a wide range of financial institutions and activities. It works with other federal and state supervisory authorities to ensure the safety and soundness of financial institutions, stability in the financial markets, and fair and equitable treatment of consumers in their financial transactions. the US central bank, the Federal Reserve also has extensive and well-established relationships with the central banks and financial supervisors of other countries, which enables it to coordinate its actions with those of other countries when managing international financial crises and supervising institutions with a substantial international presence

1. General information about Federal Reserve System

.1 History of formation and development of FRS

The US Congress as the supreme legislative body passed the Federal Reserve System (some domestic sources call it the Federal Reserve Act - approx. Per.), Which marks the beginning of its work 1913. Interest of the US banking system in the establishment of country's central bank has increased markedly since the banking crisis of 1907. At this time, several large financial institutions were close to bankruptcy and closure due to the fact that banks in this period experienced significant difficulties in meeting the demand depositors withdraw their funds and turn them into...

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