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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market


Introduction.1. Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market.

.1 Commercial banks as the main segment market economy

.2 Principles and functions of commercial banks

.3 Legal framework of commercial operation banks2. Banking risks and methods for their control

.1 The term «banking risks.»

.2 Main types of banking risks.

.3 Methods of risk management.3. Analysis of banking risks and methods of their regulation (on the mat e rials local bank.)


- one of the central components of the system of market structures. The development of their activities - a prerequisite of creating real market mechanics s ma. Process of economic transformation began with the reform in banco tion system. This sphere dynamic ra s Viva today.a long time, banks were public authorities and acted on d tion of «supporting structures» administrative-command system of economic management. As a result, business banking in the country and lost Traditional tion and experience of Russian banks. Today we have to catch up. Necessary in a short time to reach the level of contemporary world-class organization of the bank in case ray.of the market and market infrastructure, new mechanisms mouth and updating of economic relations and the development of entrepreneurship and competition, increase the sovereignty of the republics require the development of the theory of economic risks, methods of assessment and management at all levels of management: the country, the national, regional, local, as well as at the level of each business unit, regardless of the type and form of prop t vennosti.leading role in solving these problems should belong ba n banking system. This is determined by the increasing role of banks and credit relations in an unstable economy and transition. Banks not only form of loan capital markets, securities, foreign exchange market, participate in the establishment and functioning of commodity exchanges and new x about tural structures, but essentially, are the sole owner of ne necessary information on the financial condition of enterprises and organizations , conjuncture commodity, loan, and currency markets, economic pos e SRI region, republic, country. The latter indicates the importance of the study of the development of e banks foreign and domestic commercial and political risks of their clients. This is all the more appropriate that at this stage there are plaques and enabling environment for the establishment and improvement of partnerships hozyays t sponding subjects with banks to strengthen their mutual responsibility and co n trol.guiding principle in the commercial banks in the market yavl I etsya pursuit of greater profits. It limits the possibility of incurring losses Stu. Risk is monetary value of probabilistic events, leading to losses. The higher the risks, the higher the chance to make a profit. Risks are formed on the deviation from the actual data with today's evaluation of the standing and future development. These deviations can be positive and neg a tive. In the first case we are talking about the chances of making a profit, while the second - the risks. Every chance to make a profit on the costs against the possibility of losses., You can only make a profit if possible incur losses (risks) will be provided in advance (su...

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