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Реферат Lexical unit


Object: This term paper was made to research the functioning and categorical value of the lexical unit В«likeВ» in modern English.

Subject : Lexical unit В«likeВ» in different types of context.purpose has determined the following tasks:

analysis of the nature of the word like;

- to describe the combinability of the word like, to find out the factors which influence on the formal and semantic variation of the word like in simple sentences, to determine semantic -syntactic potency of the word like and its functioning;

- to determine the main structural types of compound sentences with the part which are imposed by the word like;

to determine the morphological syncretism of В«likeВ» - component.

The scientific novelty of the term paper in conditioned in the following - all possible morphological-syntactic models with the word like are granted at the first time; the semantic background of the word like is revealed in the result of which the meaning of refinement is set; the functioning purpose of the word like is determined.

The theoretical value of the term paper lies in the fact that the investigation can serve to the purpose of inputting the information in certain chapters of grammar (grammatical homonymy, transposition of parts of speech). The reason for inputting the supplementary to the dictionary article is the refining meaning which was brought out of in the result of the investigation.

The practical value. The information received in the term paper can be used for the seminars and practical courses in Grammar.

The structure of the work is done in accordance with the general conceptual framework adopted. The term paper consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusions, bibliography and the list of literary sources.I of the term paper represents the theory оf usage В«likeВ» - component, different meanings, possibility to act as different part of speech, usage of В«likeВ» - constructions, semantic principles of connectivity of В«likeВ» - component in compound words.II presents the peculiarities of usage В«likeВ» - component.contain the summarizing of the results of the research.data sources which are used in the term paper are the following: R. Robbins В«A time to rememberВ», Jane Austin В«Pride and PrejudiceВ».

like speech peculiarity meaning

1. The theory of the component В«likeВ» <...

сторінка 1 з 13 | Наступна сторінка

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