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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Basic grammatical and lexical-semantic differences between American and British English

Реферат Basic grammatical and lexical-semantic differences between American and British English



Chapter I. The history and reasons for the formation of American English, its status as the multinational language

.1 The history of the formation of American English

.2 Causes and sources of American English

.3 Current status of English as the multinational language II. Grammatical and lexical-semantic features of American English

.1 Verb

.2 Noun

.3 Preposition

2.4 Article

.5 Adverb

2.6 Adjective

.7 Pronoun

.8 The introductory words

.9 Spelling

.10 Syntax

.11 Differences in American and English Pronunciation

2.12 Differences in American and English Spelling



English is generally accepted language of international communication. It is used in all national routes, it is spoken and written hundreds of millions of people of different nationalities (eg, three thousand newspapers are published in English in India [1]. It is the language of modern business, science, office, information technology and, of course, communication.over a billion people on the Earth say and seek to speak in English, English is the most studied language in the world, whose influence is so great that it is able to affect not only the dictionary, but also on the linguistic structure of the other languages.of the possible causes of spreading English is a wealth of vocabulary (about 600000 words, according to the Oxford dictionary, not counting a special technical vocabulary) and a large percent of the international concepts ( up to 200000 words). Here we should add richness synonymous that allows English speakers to distinguish the shades of the meaning. English was more successful competitor than British language, and there were several reasons for this. One of them is the fact that American English was linguistically particularly cleaner and more correct. Because the settlers, people from different corners of Britain, being together in new and risky conditions, were forced to drop the dialectal differences in speech and keep only what was common to them all. It is interesting that, at the same time the language of the Americans retains obvious features of the English language of 17 and even 16 centuries, which are quite archaic for modern Britons, because they extincted in the 18th century.discrepancy between the American and British versions was much more significant in the early of the XX century, but later due to the media, especially television, this discrepancy was smoothed out somewhat. differences between the English language in America and the English in the UK were discussed in the special linguistic and popular literature for a long time. The disputes continues to this day which of the variants of the English language should be considered as a standard and whether American English should be considered as an independent language, finally separated from British languagetention to the study of differences of American and British versions of English we can observe in the works of such linguists as: Yartseva, Halperin, Schweitzer, Stupin, Belyaeva, Potapov, Zviadadze.of the above explains the relevance of our work.theme of this research is basic grammatical and lexical-semantic differences between American and British English.purpose of this study is to identify and comparison of grammatical and lexical-semantic features of American English.objectives:

· examine the state of problems in scientific and methodological literature;

· consider historical aspects of the origin of the English language;

· identify grammatical and lexical-semantic features of American English; this work we consider the history of the formation of American English and the causes of the differences between two versions of the language, the multinationality of the English language, as well as basic grammatical and lexical-semantic differences between American and English.subject of the study are the differences between American and British English.object of this study is grammar and lexical semantics of the modern English language.

Chapter I. The history and reasons for the formation of American English, its status as the multinational language

this chapter we consider the periodization of formation of American English, the sources and reasons for its occurrence, as well as the current state of English as the multinational language.

1.1 The history of the formation of American English

language entered to the North America in the early XVII century and initially it conformed to the standards adopted in England in the XVII century.history of the ...

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