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Реферат Advertising

Lutsenko Anastasia



Advertisingon televisionin a pressby radio


is a kind of activity or production made in its result which purpose is realization of marketing or other problems of the industrial, service enterprises and public organizations by distribution of the information paid by them, generated so that to have the strengthened influence on mass or individual consciousness, causing the set reaction of the chosen consumer audience.what Advertising is necessary? Perhaps, advertisers in vain spend for it the at all spare cash? Actually, Advertising is, of course, necessary. And that is why. Advertising first of all stimulates demand for the offered goods. The mechanism of action of Advertising is very simple - the potential buyer, having heard (having seen) about any goods which at it isn't present, at once will want it to buy, certainly, in the presence of money. The Advertising pursuing at once 2 purposes is possible also: first, to create demand for the goods at its potential consumers, and, secondly, to involve wholesale buyers who would sell the goods at retail. Advertising - so strong means that it can help to sell absolutely worthless and unusable, noncompetitive goods. Unfortunately, we, as consumers, very often face poor-quality and importunate Advertising which anything, except irritation, doesn't cause. Therefore it is necessary to remember that the Advertising is too art. There is a set of kinds and Advertising directions, I will consider the basic directions. p align="justify"> on television

is the most expensive kind of Advertising, and not all can allow itself it. In TV Advertising the sound, the image and certain dynamics (movement) are combined. Thanks to it influences audience much better, than other kinds of Advertising. Its lack consists that during a commercial the attention of the spectator should be concentrated on the screen; differently efficiency descends on a zero.follow also to notice that Advertising efficiency depends on in what transfer it is placed. The strong irritation is caused by Advertising which costs В«not on the placeВ». For example, bewilderment is caused by Advertising of medical products from a sclerosis if it sounds in the middle of a youth entertainment event.a result it is received that the spectator loves TV Advertising! But here there are preferences: the commercial should be color, sound and, it is desirable, not with speech support, and with music. p align="justify"> in a press

advertising marketing television press

Advertising in newspapers and magazines was widely adopted a...

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