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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » The modern state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in terms of its specialization in the example of corn production

Реферат The modern state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in terms of its specialization in the example of corn production


IntroductionI. Scientific bases of specialization of agricultural production

. 1 Essence and objective terms of development of specialization of agricultural enterprises

. 2 Methodology of determination is specialization of agricultural enterprises and indexes of her economic efficiencyII. Modern the state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in the conditions of his specialization

. 1 Productive resources of economy and their use

. 2 A dynamics of development of production of corn is on grain in an economy

. 3 Economic efficiency of specialization is on the production of agricultural productsIII. Deepening of specialization and increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production

. 1 Concentration of agricultural production and translation of him are on industrial basis

. 2 Introduction of complex mechanization and progressive technologies of production of agricultural goods

. 3 Development of specialization of agricultural production is on the base of between economic cooperation and agro industrial integration


specialization agricultural corn mechanization

The major factors of production are development of marketer lations, increase of scales of production, scientific and technical progress.most important sign of specialization is a production of certain product or part of him specialization is a concentration rural.conduces to that a producer, as a rule, produces products not for itself, but for other members of society, often his products are not the article of the personal or productive consumption.presence of such exchange as a result of specialization conduces productions to the improvement. Already a long ago it is known that absence of specialization, so-called materialwell-being itself in an economy, generates not efficiency of production. Advantages that is provide by specialization of productions:

- Firstly, she increases the labor productivity considerably. It for it is knitted with thatcreates terms for organization of continuous (current) process of production, application of the most perfect facilities of labor, introduction of mechanization and computer aided, achievement of the complete and effective use of technological equipment, improvement of structure of enterprises, increase of co-operation of labor manufacturing.

- Secondly, specialization gives an opportunity better to use a main productive body man based on taking into account of her individual differences and capabilities.

- Thirdly, specialization on implementation of certain work forms qualification of worker. A long ago it is known that in most cases a man can not identically adroitly execute many types of activity. However, she can attain out standing mastery in some types of works.

- Fourthly, specialization in execution productive functions conduces to the economy of time deprives a production from super flu us charge, especially during the change of one type of activity by other kind.

- Fifthly, specialization gives an opportunity better to use regional features. Yes, a pot gives high harvests in Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Volyn areas. In addition, on Odessa, through natural terms the far fewer of her grows Kherson. On the south of Ukraine get the high harvests of wheat, a watermelon grow etalcoolie of rook. Thus, geographical specialization of production has an important value for providing of the effective use of such important resource, as agricultural earth., In an eventual result, specialization provides more advantages, than defects, and humanity uses this form of organization of production for the increase of the labor productivity.closely constrained with cooperation development of that is based on strengthening and deepening of specialization.is the special form of the protracted rational productive connections between the specialized in dependent enterprises comparatively with other enterprises that does not have such connections.accordance with forms specializations in industry exist three forms of cooperation

- a subject (aggregate) - main enterprise produces eventual products and gets different wares from other enterprises;

- detailed - on a main enterprise knots and details come from the row of the specialize enterprises;

- technological - an enterprise supplies to other enterprises the products of the separate stages of productive process., specialization stipulates the necessity of commodity exchange between the ...

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