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Реферат Токсокароз і токсокарідоз м'ясоїдних

Women in International Relations

the threshold of a global feminist revolution, the Canadian activist Nellie McClung said Never underestimate the power of the women . Today, a century later, we are witnessing a radical change regarding women s position in society. Equality in rights of women and men became a natural law, not only stipulated in the constitutions and the UN Charter, but the one that also had managed to take root in the contemporary individual s consciousness., as a political figure is not an exception to the rule any more, but rather an innovation that tends to be accepted and set out as a rule. Once, women have entered the area where men have eagerly maintaining the monopoly - Politics, they have been able, due their capabilities contested for so much time, to occupy important positions in field of International Relations and to influence positively the establishment of favorable reports between countries around the world.

and Women s Emancipation Movement

a simple definition, feminism means the study of and the movement for women, not as objects, but as subjects of knowledge. The concept of feminism refers to a theoretical doctrine claiming equal treatment before the norms, institutions and public and private practices, regardless of gender, equal opportunities to exercise autonomy and self - affirmations of the person.a conceptual category that defines the defense of the women s dignity and the understanding of their rights, feminism appears in the Renaissance era press. A new image of "Western woman" appears: the culturally normal learned woman who was not a queen, not a nun, and most certainly not a courtesan.term "feminist" appears in the connotation which we use today in the late nineteenth century in Great Britain, but as an attitude and an approach it has preceded the canonical use of term. The period following the French Revolution is considered the starting point of the movement for women's emancipation based on texts of such revolutionary writer as Olympe de Gouges and Mary Wollstonecraft.the verge of World War I appears a movement called the "Suffragettes", which after the first world conflagration have obtained for women the right to vote, stated in 1918 in Great Britain and in 1920 the US.end of the World War II marked the rise of emancipation movements. Since 1967, the US government launched the programs "Affirmative action" (positive discrimination) for women.recent decades took shape a radical postmodernist feminism, called also "anarchic-feminism", the postmodernist feminism has developed a number of demands regarding the language so that it properly reflects participa...

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