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Реферат Токсокароз і токсокарідоз м'ясоїдних

tion and possibilities for participation of women in public life and gender differences become more flexible.feminism is no longer a prominent direction, but many of its objectives maintained their actuality and are widely shared by the public. Since the assertion of the women s right to freedom, the feminist movement has come a long and complex evolution, under the sign of progress at the doctrinal and organizational level.

in International Relations and Discrimination

International Relations is a term used to define the research on women's position in IR, being introduced in the late '80s. After the end of the Cold War the traditional view of IR was reevaluated and for the first time the gender problem was called into discussion.work that reflects in the best way gender concerns in the field, is "Bananas, Beaches and Bases" ( 1990) by Cynthia Enloe.feminists believe that when women are allowed to participate in IR they behave like men and have similar results. The refusal to accept and the denial would lead to a waste of specialists, since the capacities of women are not inferior to those of menfeminist IR conception involves analyzing how men and women affect and are affected by international politics and the connection between the essential concepts of IR (war, security, etc ..) and gender preferences. The study involves not only themes like the states, diplomacy, security, but also the way each gender is involved in the global political economy.discrimination or sexism is a form of discrimination or devaluation based on a person's sex, this attitudes being based on beliefs in traditional stereotypes.the moment women don t suffer from open discrimination formalized in legislation, yet there are subtle methods of discrimination which reduces the chances of women to achieve in areas monopolized by men, including IR. One of these methods is language discrimination; most professions in the IR are masculine gender words which, at psychological level, state that only men can practice this professions. There is no feminine gender of words such as "president", "minister", "diplomat", etc.to the report Teaching, Research, and International Politics (TRIP) Survey, the percentage of women studying at the Faculties of IR is of 23, while the percentage of the teachers in the field is 14%. speaking, IR area is associated with the political sphere, because the IR officials working in the Intergovernmental organizations or diplomatic missions are political personalities., theoretically, we should enjoy a high quality democracy, the experience of discrimination stop women from choosing or acheiving success in getting a job in the political field. In 2010 only 18.8% of parliamentarians in most countries of the world were women. For the European Union we have other data, thus in the European Parliament 31% of MPs are women. ...

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