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Реферат The structure, particularities and meaning of distance learning



В· topicality;

В· purpose of individual work;

В· subject;

В· object;

. Distance learning.

. Conclusions.

. References.

1. Entry

to the data received by independent international experts in future every working person should have higher education which will be the minimal educational level, necessary for the existing of the mankind in the XX century. Thus it s not surprising that during latest decades the number of students who use non traditional technologies in studying grows much faster than the number of full-time students.to the increasing necessity in higher and continuing education, the tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals become stronger. The process of internationalization of education takes place not only in the sphere of its meaning, but also in the sphere of its methods and management.becomes an instrument of interrelation not only of knowledge and technology, but also the capital, the instrument of market competition , and solving geopolitical problems. At this stage distance methods of education that are based on the modern technological achievements will play the main role. At present the mankind have rich experience in the realization of distance education systems, which use computer nets, television systems and modern telecommunication technologies.of my work is:

1. definition of distance learning;

2. prospects of distance learning;

3. problems of distance learning;

4. effectiveness of distance learning;

5. quality of distance learning in Ukraine.of my work is research the structure, particularities and meaning of distance learning.of my work is research particularities of distance learning in Ukraine.

. Distance learning

distance education technological

Distance education is a kind of technology in which both traditional and innovational means and forms of education that are based on computer and telecommunication technologies are used.the educational system distance education fulfills all the demands of humanistic principle, according to which nobody can be deprived of the opportunity to obtain education because of poverty geographical or time distances, social isolation physiological defects, or lack of time because of own business. Taking into consideration the objectivity of the process of informatisation of society and education distance education, which encompasses the best...

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