features of other forms of education, will enter the XX century as the most promising, synthetic, humanistic, and integral form of obtaining education.education is a pedagogical technology, which is based on the principles of open education; it uses widely computer education programs of different purpose and modern telecommunications with the aim to deliver educational materials and to communicate (also in the real time).
2.1 Characteristics of distance education you can see the following characteristics of distance education img. 2.1. witness about accessibility of distance learning.at the present moment all these categories can t receive educational services of high quality with the use of distance education, because the latter is absent in Ukraine.learning offered many promises to the field of education. In practice however, it is vise-versa. Some of the shortcomings are due to problems with the technology; others have more to do with administration, instructional methods, or students. Despite the problems, many users like technologies such as compressed video and see continued growth in the area. Due to the rapid development of technology, courses using a variety of media are being delivered to students in various locations in an effort to serve the educational needs of growing populations. In many cases, developments in technology allow distance education programs to provide specialized courses to students in remote geographic areas with increasing interactivity between student and teacher. Although the ways in which distance education is implemented differ markedly from country to country, most distance learning programs rely on technologies which are either already in place or are being considered for their cost effectiveness. Such programs are particularly bene? Cial for the many people who are not? Nancially, physically or geographically able to obtain traditional education. The? Eld of distance education has changed dramatically in the past ten years. Distance education, structured learning in which the student and instructor are separated by place, and sometimes by time is currently the fastest growing form of domestic and international education. What was once considered a special form of education using nontraditional delivery systems, is now becoming an important concept in mainstream education. Concepts such as networked learning, connected learning spaces,? Exible learning and hybrid learning systems have enlarged the scope and changed the nature of earlier distance education models. Distance education relies heavily on communications technologies as delivery media. Print materials, broadcast radio, broadcast television, computer conferencing, electronic mail, interactive video, satellite telecommunications and multimedia computer technology are all us...