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Реферат Bilateral economic diplomacy between Germany and Russia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistanof World Economy and Diplomacy

Applied Diplomacy Department

Economic security and diplomacy object

REVIE Weconomic diplomacy between Germany and Russia

by: 1st course master student.N. Hasanovby: Doctor of Economicsextraordinaryplenipotentiary of Uzbekistan.I. Mavlanov

Tashkent - 2013



. Russian Federation Political and Economic relations. p>. Justice and home affairs. p>. German-Russian strategic partnership. p>. The role of economy in bilateral relations. p>. Regular meetings make for progress in cooperation: Visa facilitations, Trade relations, The German Russian Year. p>. Future shape of Russian-German Relations: driving force of Russian-EU relations. p> Conclusion ..


Russian relations have a long and shifting history, ranging from cooperation and even alliance to strain and to total warfare. Since the end of the Cold War and German re-unification, Germany and Russia have developed a "Strategic Partnership" in which energy is indisputably one of the most important factors. Germany and Russia depend on each other for energy, namely in Germany's need for energy from Russia and Russia's need for heavy German investment to develop her energy infrastructure.earliest contact between Germans and Slavs is unknown. Substantive contact goes back to the Teutonic Knights 'campaigns in the Baltic.before the mid 18th century was aloof from German affairs, while Germany was divided into numerous small states under the nominal leadership of the Holy Roman Emperor.the Great Northern War with Sweden, however, Russia's power spread into the Baltic.

Relations between the two nations since the fall of socialism have been generally good but not always without tension. German chancellor Gerhard SchrУЖder placed high value on relations with Russia and worked for the completion of the Nord Stream gas pipeline between them. His successor Angela Merkel, an Easterner and former dissident, has been more critical and clashed with Russian president Vladimir Putin over human rights and other issues. Mrs. Merkel had however a very good relationship with former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The Lufthansa cargo hub dispute took place in 2007.relations between the two countries got strained in the turn of the first decade as the German authorities criticized the parliamentary and presidential elections in Russia, then started to regularly give negative assessments of the changes taking place in the country. The coo...

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