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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Place and role of political relations in the aggregate of public relations

Реферат Place and role of political relations in the aggregate of public relations


. Most important of relationships in the aggregate of social relations

. How political sphere to other spheres of society

. The value of political relations in the aggregate of social relations



is a system of relations. Public relations - is varied relationships that arise between people in the course of their activities in various spheres of public life. Public relations can be classified according to their object, subject and nature of relations between them. The nature distinguish, for example, and neantahonistychni antagonistic relationship. In the basis of the first lie, antagonistic contradictions such as that can only be resolved by the destruction of both or even one of them. Neantahonistychni contradictions underlying neantahonistychnyh relations are solved without destroying the parties. p align="center"> society public relations

1. Most important of relationships in the aggregate of social relations

forms of social relations - economic, political, ideological, legal, moral, domestic, etc. - To distinguish on the basis of their objects. Thus, economic relations - a relationship that consists of about ownership of the means of production, during the manufacture and distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. Political relations made about power in society and in its operation. Ideological relationship is about ideas and opinions that reflect the specific social interests. Legal relations made on legal norms, moral - about the standards of morality and so on. The subjects of these social relations can be individuals, social community, various organizations and others.other kinds of social relations the main feature of social relations is that they are distinguished by their subjects - individuals and social communities of people as those formed objective process of historical development. Variety of social relations is the class, national, demographic and other relations. They may comprise about different objects - property, power, ideas of law and more., These important social relationships that constitute the main contents of the main areas of public life - economic, social, political and spiritual. This economic, social, political and socio-cultural (ideological, moral, aesthetic, religious) relations. They are closely related and are in a certain dependence, which is interpreted differently [3]. Materialist understanding of social relations is that they are divided into primary - material, basic and secondary - ideological, nadbudovchi. Main, determinant recognized material - economic and industrial relations. Determined the nature of their productive forces of society and does not depend on the will and consciousness of people. Ideologica...

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