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Реферат Market Research. Market Research Methods

The Ministry of science and education of UkraineTechnical University of Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute and industrial marketing department

Market Research. Market Research Methods

byof group UM-31

Voitsekhova O. S.

Checked up byT. P.


Market Research

choosing a business idea, the next step is to know your market to find out such questions as: 'Why would people buy my product or service rather than those which already exist?' 'How many are they likely to buy?' Answer these and other related questions requires market research. Market research is the collection and analysis of information with a view of improving the business marketing activities. It is an essential part of all businesses not only to assess the business idea, but also for continued development. p align="justify"> & Quantitative Research

is often as either being 'qualitative' (how many do? ....) and 'quantitative' (Why do they do? ...).


involves the collection of data that is open to interpretation, for example people's opinions. It is useful for investigating people's motives, attitudes, beliefs and intentions.involves the collection of information that is quantifiable and is therefore not open to interpretation as with qualitative research. It includes data such as sales figures, market share and market size.research is the most likely research to be undertaken by small businesses. It can be split into two broad areas:

Primary research - This is also known as 'field' research and is commissioned by an organization for a specific purpose. This is usually undertaken because the required information does not already exist in any available format, so the research has to be done from scratch. p align="justify"> Secondary research - This is also known as 'desk' research. It consists of data and information that already exists that can be accessed. p align="justify"> collection analysis information marketing

Market Research Methods

most commonly used methods for collecting primary and secondary data are:

Interviews and surveysinvolves the collection of primary data directly from individuals. Techniques include: interviews - These are face-to-face meetings with an interviewer and respondent. It can be used to obtain information about the type of people, how they behave (purchase behavior), likes, and dislikes, attitudes and opinions about the subject matter.interviews and f...

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