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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » American Holidays and Celebrations

Реферат American Holidays and Celebrations

Міністерство освіти Республіки Білорусь

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В«Гомельський державний університет

імені Франциска Скорини В»

Факультет іноземних мов

Кафедра теорії та практики англійської мови

Курсова работаHolidays and Celebrations


студент групи А-21

Філіпенко М.Г.

Науковий керівник:

Акуліч Л.Д.

Гомель 2010



. National Celebrations

.1 New Years Day

.2 Easter Sunday

.3 Christmas Day

. Uniquely American Holidays

.1 Martin Luther Kings Day

.2 Independence Day

.3 Columbus Day

.4 Veterans Day

.5 Thanksgiving Day

.6 Presidents Day

.7 Arbor Day

.8 Flag Day

.9 Civil Rights Day

. Ethnic and Regional Holidays

.1 Mardi Gras

.2 St. Patricks Day

.3 Native American Pow-Wows

.4 Chinese New Year

.5 Cinco de Mayo

.6 Kwanzaa

. Fun Days

.1 St. Valentines Day

.2 April Fools Day

.3 Halloween


national ethnic holiday america

American Holidays is an introductory survey of the historical and social background of American culture.population of the USA is made up of people of different nationalities. Centuries ago they brought with them their native celebrations. Some holidays which are marked in the US originated in America. There is no provision for national holidays in the USA. The number of holiday is different in different states - from 8 in the District of Columbia to 20 in Oklahoma.in every culture celebrate holidays. Although the word "holiday" literally means "holy day," most American holidays are not religious, but commemorative in nature and origin. Because the nation is blessed with rich ethnic heritage it is possible to trace some of the American holidays to diverse cultural sources and traditions, but all holidays have taken on a distinctively American flavor. In the United States, the word "holiday" is synonymous with "celebration!" The strict sense, there are no federal (national) holidays in the United States. Each of the 50 states has jurisdiction over its holidays. In practice, however, most states observe the federal ("legal or public") holidays, even though the President and Congress can legally designate holidays only for federal government employees.following ten holidays per year are proclaimed by the federal government: Year's Day - Ja...

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