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Реферат Holidays in the United States of America


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REPORTin the United States of America

Performed byAlexander



1. Introduction (Only names)

2. New Year s Day

. Martin Luther King s Day

. President s Day

. Thanksgiving Day

. Christmas

. St.Valentine s Day

. April Fool s Day

. Halloween

. Conclusion

. References

1. Only names

People in every culture celebrate holidays. Although the word "holiday" literally means "holy day," most American holidays are not religious, but commemorative in nature and origin. Because the nation is blessed with rich ethnic heritage it is possible to trace some of the American holidays to diverse cultural sources and traditions, but all holidays have taken on a distinctively American flavour. In the United States, the word "holiday" is synonymous with "celebration". The strict sense, there are no federal (national) holidays in the United States. Each of the 50 states has jurisdiction over its holidays. In practice, however, most states observe the federal ("legal or public") holidays, even though the President and Congress can legally designate holidays only for federal government employees.The followingholidays per year are proclaimed by the federal government.

New Year's DayJanuary, 1Martin Luther King Daythird Monday in JanuaryPresidents 'Daythird Monday in FebruaryMemorial Daylast Monday in MayIndependence DayJuly, 4Labour Dayfirst Monday in SeptemberColumbus Daysecond Monday in OctoberVeterans' DayNovember, 11Thanksgiving Dayfourth Thursday in NovemberChristmas DayDecember, 25

In 1971, the dates of many federal holidays were officially moved to the nearest Monday by then-President Richard Nixon. There are four holidays which are not necessarily celebrated on Mondays: Th...

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