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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Taxation of natural persons in Switzerland

Реферат Taxation of natural persons in Switzerland

of natural persons in Switzerland

1. Individual Income Tax

1.1 Taxpayers

persons are taxed at the federal and cantonal / communal level, if they are permanent or temporary residents of Switzerland. Temporary resident status, despite the short breaks hereby granted, provided that the person is in the territory of Switzerland for a) not less than 30 days, carrying out professional activity, or b) 90 days or more without the exercise of any professional activity. In accordance with the Swiss system of taxation, partnerships are «transparent», hence each partner is taxed individually.married couple summed and taxed in accordance with the principle of family taxation. The same applies to any registered civil marriage. Income of a minor child is added to the income of the adults, except for income children received from paid employment, which is taxed separately.federal and cantonal / communal income taxes levied by the tax authorities and the cantons are set for a period of one (calendar) year, based on the tax return, which is filled by the taxpayer., who did not indicate the place of residence in Switzerland, only obliged to pay tax on their income in Switzerland.

1.2 Taxable income

persons who are residents are taxed on their worldwide income. However, income from commercial activities carried out abroad, from permanent establishments (offices) and immovable property situated abroad are not taxable and are included only to determine the applicable tax rate (exemption with progression). Total income includes income from dependent or independent personal activities, the income from compensation or support payments, as well as income from movable and immovable property. Taxable income also includes a notional rental value of the property in which home resident.types of income, such as inheritance, gift and the right to marital property, subsidies paid from private or public sources, etc. not are taxed in accordance with the law. In addition, the natural person may deduct the costs associated with providing income, including, for example, the cost of travel between home and place of work, social security contributions and deductions from gross income in the approved savings programs. Additional deductions may be claimed for dependent children and the amount of insurance premiums, as well as for married couples and couples with double income. The amount of allowable tax deductions can vary depending on the canton. Furthermore, interest payments on loans, mortgages, etc. deducted in full for commercial purposes. However, the deduction is allowable amount of interest associated with private assets, limited to the gross income from movable and immovable assets plus 50 000 Swiss francs. Additionally, there may be deducted the cost of maintaining the property value, or can be applied on the basis of residues - all inclusive. Currently discussing a draft law providing for the abolition of taxation of rental value for the property owners who use it for their own accommodation, which will entail the simultaneous restriction of credit interest deductions from taxable income from the property, currently in force.tax rates for n...

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