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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Taxation of natural persons in Switzerland

Реферат Taxation of natural persons in Switzerland

atural persons, as a rule, are progressive, while at the federal level is set to maximum tax rate of 11.5%. The cantons can set their own tax rates. The maximum applicable cantonal tax rates, therefore, are very different in different cantons (in the capitals of cantons - 12 to 30%). Special family rate was introduced at the federal level in fiscal year 2011. The basis for this proposal is the rate for married couples, but it is expected additional tax for each child.

1.3 Income from capital gains

for taxation of income from capital gains depends on whether personal or commercial property as well as movable or immovable. Income from movable personal property is exempt from taxation, while income from movable commercial property is taxed as ordinary income. With respect to the taxation of real estate.

1.4 Damages

of commercial organizations, as opposed to personal losses may be deductible for tax purposes and carried forward for seven years.

1.5 Distribution of shares in the capital

1 January 2011 the distribution of the relevant equity interest in not taxed. They do not cover any withholding tax or personal income tax for the person receiving this share. Now this applies not only to return on equity (before January 1, 2011), but also on the return on investment, insurance premiums and bills the company committed after December 31, 1996, as distributed by the payment tax-free.

1.6 Tax at the source

workers who have no residence permit, subject to tax on income earned by withholding tax from the total income. If such income exceeds 120,000 Swiss francs (500,000 and in Geneva) per year, you must file a tax return. In other cases, the withholding tax is final. However, the employee may assert the right to a special deduction in a separate process.with a residence permit abroad are taxed by withholding tax from the total income, regardless of their nationality. As a rule, they cannot submit a tax return.

2. Wealth tax

tax is levied only on the cantonal / communal level, in accordance with relevant tax canton and the established rates. The tax is calculated based on the amount of gross assets, including, among other things, real estate, movable assets, such as securities and bank deposits, the surrender value of life insurance, cars, none of the distributed inheritance, etc. The tax is also levied on assets that do not bring any income. Equity holdings of foreign enterprises and factories are not taxed on wealth and property abroad. However, these assets are taken into account for the calculation of the applicable rate of tax assets if it is progressive rate (exemption with progression). Persons can deduct debts from the gross assets, as well as non-taxable amounts, which vary from canton to canton, and also on the basis of marital status and presence of children in the family.tax is progressive in most cantons, in connection with which the cantons can set their own tax rates. The maximum applicable tax rates can vary significantly, ranging from 0.0010% to 1%. The federal government levies a tax on wealth.

3. Foreign Workers

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