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Реферат Specificity exchange market

Specificity exchange market

1. Exchange, its types and functions. Conjuncture of exchange market in practice

exchange market product

1.1 MICEX Stock Exchange market

role of the exchange trade in the global economy and national economies of individual countries can not be overstated. Some Western economists believe the emergence of the modern commodity exchange, as the market is not performing the distribution of goods as well as financial institution that facilitates trade and reduces the cost of maintaining it, is equal to value of the industrial revolution at the end of the XVIII century, and see it as a planning and organizing force able to give the correct direction of the economy. purpose of this course work is the definition of the exchange, its main differences from the market organization of trade. The paper lists the main features of trading. Also in the paper addressed issues relating to the place that occupies exchange activity in the economic life of society and the state. The definitions of the concepts of commodity and stock exchanges, the basic operations that are performed on them.object of the course work is as follows:

. Explore the concept of the exchange.

. Consider the types of exchanges.

. The features of the exchange activity.

. Consider a commodity exchange and its functions.

. To study the operation Stock Exchange.

. To study the function of currency exchange.related to organizational and technical field of human culture. Borrowing in this area (if they are done with the mind) are useful. No need for careful study, the experience of the western stock trading and implement this knowledge into practice. Just do not hamper economic creativity of the people dies and customized research results to other people's designs.all sources from which information was taken, all the authors emphasized the considerable role of exchanges in the formation of prices in the market system and the effect on her . to the fact that the Russian stock exchanges have been a number of stages of its existence, and in the history of their development has been on the downward and rebirth, the shift from quantitative to qualitative transition from trading cash commodity to a large number of transactions used in modern stock trading, many sources outdated and no longer relevant.

1. The essence of the exchange

.1 The concept of the exchange

about what a stock exchange and which attributes are part of the notion of it, first of all, of course, important for the legislation. There is a particular need for a legal definition and differentiation of various trade meetings as economic importance and effectiveness of exchanges just obvious (enough to turn to traffic exchanges and compare them with the main macroeconomic indicators of the state of the economy (eg, GDP) ). It is also clear that the exchange is a business entity and carries on business (stock exchange), mediating between buyers and sellers. In connection with this exchange has certain, but quite...

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