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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The Main Song, Or What Is There in Your Words?

Реферат The Main Song, Or What Is There in Your Words?

The Main Song, Or What Is There in Your Words?

1. Basis of the Subject Choice

anthem, along with a coat of arms and flag, is an official symbol of each country. It sounds in orchestra or choir performing on special occasions: during the award ceremonies, taking the military oath, at the meetings of official delegations, during sports events, opening of various congresses, etc. The music of anthems reflects the spirit of nations.the lyrics of the National Anthem of Russia I discovered that it is full of special words which appeal to the sense of patriotism; listening to the anthems of foreign countries I was interested if there are such special words in them as well and which of them are the most common. So, I made up my mind to make an acquaintance with the anthems of the English-speaking countries to know more about them.on my project I came across the information that a lot of cities and towns all over the world have got their own main songs and I was wondering if our town has got a special song as well. I ll develop this idea in the second part of my work.

2. Goals and Objectives

· to learn information about the national anthems of Great Britain, the USA,, Australia and New Zealand;

· to investigate the anthems of the countries to know if they are patriotic;

· to know if our town has got a special song which can be named as its anthem

3. A Hymn or an Anthem

A hymn is a type of solemn song, usually religious, written for the purpose of praise, adoration or prayer and typically addressed to a deity or deities or to a prominent figure. The solemn songs can be national, religious, military as well. The word «hymn» is of Greek origin. It derives from the word «hymnos» which means «a song of praise». In ancient times a hymn honored the gods and heroes. Centuries passed, and the songs of praise changed. Their contents began to glorify noble and lofty ideas. These songs were known as anthems.

4. British Anthems

«God Save the Queen»

«God Save the Queen» (alternatively «God Save the King» during the reign of a male sovereign) is an anthem used in a number of Commonwealth realms, their territories, and the British Crown Dependencies. The words and title are adapted to the gender of the current monarch, ie replacing «Queen» with «King», «she» with «he», and so forth, when a king reigns. The author of the tune is unknown, and it may originate in plainchant, but a 1619 attribution to John Bull is sometimes made.

«God Save the Queen» is the de facto British national anthem and also has this role in some British territories. It is one of two national anthems for New Zealand (since 1977) and for several of Britain «s territories that have their own additional local anthem. It is the royal anthem of Australia (since 1984), Canada (since 1980), Barbados and Tuvalu. In countries not previously part of the British Empire, the tune of «God Save the Queen» has provided the basis for ...

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