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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Constitutional bases of ideological and political variety in Russia

Реферат Constitutional bases of ideological and political variety in Russia

Abstract workbases of ideological and political variety in Russia

According to Article 13 of the Constitution, fixing one of the bases of the constitutional system of Russia as democracy within the framework of the legal state, ideological variety is admitted in the Russian Federation no ideology can be established as state or obligatory, the political variety and multiparty membership is admitted equality of public associations before the law and there is fixed the prohibition on creation and activity of public associations, whose purposes and actions are directed to forcible change of the bases of the constitutional system and breach of integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining of safety of state, making of armed units, kindling race, national and religious discord. Thus, the Constitution fixes the ideological and political pluralism as the fundamental of the development of the society and one of the profound features of democracy [2]. economy, which bases are also fixed by the Constitution, objectively conditions the spottiness of the society. By virtue of different circumstances of economic, social, political nature, as well as dependence on sex, age, directivities of personal interests and the other factors it is divided into different classes, layers and groups of the population, united by coincidence of interests of their members and consciously or unconsciously believing in common ideals and pursuing general purposes. Exactly this multiplicity of component elements of the society forms the base of ideological and political pluralism and objectively predestines it. other words, the multiform reality corresponds to pluralism making part of the internal mechanism of self regulation and self development of the society that in turn is the condition of evolutionary development of the society and determines the limits of state management of the society. As to the monistic vision of the society and realization of this vision in the form of determination of this or that ideology as state or obligatory or in its political system, they originally bear elements of the negation and future destruction since they require presence of external regulator , concerning the society capable to work without mistakes and malfunctions. of the ideological variety (alongside with recognition of the political variety and multiparty membership) as one of the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation is not only reflex on implanted decennially ideological monism, fixed in the soviet constitutions and supported by all institutes of state authorities, but the reflection in political system of the regularities of the economic development, based on free market and competition. Thus, such recognition means essential narrowing of limits of state authorities as from beneath of supervision of the state there is removed the sphere of ideology meant as the system of political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic and philosophical views and ideas, realized and estimated by relations of the people to reality. such constitualization since it is realized in social practice, acts as the guarantee for democracy, based on free circulation of political glance and discussion the varied political programs, which, however, can not call in question democracy itself. On this is based the European wide vision of democracy. In particular, the European court on human rights, interpreting the Covenant on protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in the Decision from May 25, 1998. on the case The socialist party and others against Turkey has noted: The essence of democracy is to allow to bring forth and convict the varied political programs, even those, calling in question the order, according to which at present the state is organized that they do not damage the state raquo ;. results in prohibition for the state, its bodies and officials in their activity on realization of state-powerful functions and authorities to follow not the Constitution, law, other statutory acts, but this or that ideology, including ideology of liberalism, social-democracy, Marxism-Leninism and etc. In this respect the state is above ideology raquo ;. , Such recognition results in some individual and collective rights of the citizens and their associations on working out and development of outlooks and theories of the ideological nature, their spreading in non contradicting to the law forms and in the order established by it, practical realization by ways, corresponding to the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, etc. recognition in the Russian Federation of the ideological variety organically results in the position, according to which no ideology can be fixed as state or obligatory. In fact, it means the prohibition, addressed to ...

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