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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Constitutional bases of ideological and political variety in Russia

Реферат Constitutional bases of ideological and political variety in Russia

the bodies of the government, including the head of the state, lawmakers and the executive power, other state bodies and their officials, on determination of this or that ideology as the state. Hereunder are fixed the certain limits of activity of the state and its bodies. Simultaneously this prohibition is addressed to other subjects of the law, for example, public associations, church, and it means recognition of unconstitutional proclamation of this or that ideology in the sphere of education, artistic creative activity and other spheres of collective vital activity of the people. recognition of the ideological variety is accompanied by the recognition of the political variety and multiparty membership, which is the structured expression of the ideological variety, its registration of different political parties, uniting the people depending on their social and political orientation. Exactly, the parties play the most essential role in provision of political pluralism and successful functioning of its institutes. , Political parties are the institute necessary for functioning of democracy within the framework of legal state and in the forms, fixed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Since the collective participation of the people, forming the multinational people of the Russian Federation is the barrier of the sovereignty and the unique source of the power in the Russian Federation - in realization of the power in Russian Federation, proclaimed in the preamble of the Constitution and outlined in its Article 3 and in the number of other positions, assumes forming of political will of people, determining activity of public authorities then on the sense of Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation exactly political parties assist the process of forming of will of the people in conditions of openness of such process and freedom of creation and activity political parties corresponding to the criteria of democracy within the framework of federative legal state with the republican mode of rule. Federal Law from July 11, 2001. About political parties (with the further changes and additions) provides the principles of formation, registration and activity of political parties and their regional branches, the state support and the state financing of political parties (depending on votes at elections), the forms of their participation in elections , guarantees of their activity and mechanisms of the supervision for observance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and legislation. According to item 1Article 3 of the Federal Law About political parties a political party is a public association, created for the purpose of the participation of the people of the Russian Federation in political life of the society by means of forming and expression of their political will, participation in public and political actions, elections and referenda, as well as for the purpose of presentation of interests of the citizens in the bodies of the government and in the bodies of self-management. means that a political party is an autonomous from the state institutes formation that is the self-controlled public association, created on the initiative of the citizens and in its activity since it is realized in no contradiction with the law, independent on the state. Thus, the political party is the special type of public association, for which it is typical the determined target orientation, corresponding the ideological base, constant organizing structure, fixed individual membership. the political party is the element of the political system of society. Its purpose is participation in political life of the society and in conditions of developed multiparty membership and corresponding to it electoral system - institualization of the state power in limits and forms fixed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Constitution of the Russian Federation, however, proclaiming political variety and multiparty membership and guaranteeing equality of political parties before law regardless the stated in their constituent and program documents ideologies, purposes and tasks and entrusting the state with responsibility to maintain observance of rights and legal interest of political parties, does not directly determine the particularities of creation, activity, reorganization and liquidation of political parties, as well as does not i establish conditions and the order of realization by the citizens of the Russian Federation of the right to association in political parties. For the Constitution there is also no difference in amount of political parties, their numerical and social composition, ideology and etc. It is limited with determination of organizing and functional parameters of existence of public associations. We mean, on the one hand, that the principles of organizations of public association should not contradict the requirements of democracy and human rights as they ar...

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