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Реферат Drug trafficking - a global challenge of the XXI century

f 1999 - on 46%. The universal volume of withdrawals of hashish has made in 2009 1361 т that on 25% there is more than 2008. The volume of withdrawals basically has increased in the north of Africa (63%), in the Near East (21%) and in Europe (26%).

As already it was told above, cannabis remains to one of the most widespread drugs in the world: only in 2003 it consumed more than 161 million persons that make 4% from an aggregate number of aged people of 15-64 years in the world. It is necessary to notice that from cannabis products marihuana uses the greatest popularity. Cannabis uses the greatest demand in Oceania, the North America and Africa. Cannabis consumption continues to grow in the world: 46% from an order of 100 interrogated countries have declared growth of consumption and only 16% - About its decrease. In particular it has mentioned the countries of Latin America, Caribbean basin and Central America, Western and the Eastern Europe and some countries of Asia.

Some groups of the preparations having a various spectrum of action concern synthetic drugs - from stimulators to барбітуратів, being, as a matter of fact, somnolent preparations. A variety of drugs of chemical substances used for manufacture, interchangeability of initial components provide availability and rather low production costs синтетиків. As initial components their uncontrollable analogues that reduce a risk level can be used. Consumption of synthetic drugs - such as "ecstasy" and amphetamine - steadily grows all over the world, partly because people do not realise degree of their danger.

By estimations, in 2008 the universal volume of output methamphetamine and amphetamine has made nearby 422 t, and a volume of output "ecstasy" - 90 t (basically MDMA). Thus, an annual volume of output of stimulators amphetamine a number (САР) above corresponding indicators on heroin, but more low - on cocaine. The basic manufacturers methamphetamine are East and South East Asia (including Myanma, China and Philippines) and the North America (the USA and Mexico). The basic manufacturers amphetamine and "ecstasy" are in Europe (78%). The Netherlands (the largest manufacturer), Belgium, Poland concern their number, the states of Baltic and Germany. p> In manufacture САР which universal volume has grown for last decade, the basic place occupies methamphetamine, and then follow "ecstasy" and amphetamine. In 2008 11253 underground laboratories have been liquidated. More than 80% from them made methamphetamine. In the early nineties this share did not exceed 20%. The tendency to decrease in 2007-2008 was replaced by growth of volume of withdrawals amphetamine with 13%. Large withdrawals have been made in Thailand (20%), China (18%), the USA (14%), Philippines (10%), Great Britain, the Netherlands and Australia (on 6%). p> In Asia the consumption problem amphetamine costs on the second place after consumption опіатів: all 2/3 of consumers 'amphetamine and methamphetamine live here. In some countries preparations amphetamine groups became more popular some heroin. In 2008 amphetamine and methamphetamine used about 26 million persons that makes 0,6% from world number of persons at the age from 15 till 64 years. Whereas "ecstasy" - 7,9 million persons. p> Consumption "Ecstasy" now basically is concentrated in Europe and the North America. The western and the Central Europe is the consumer of 1/3 world volumes "ecstasy". Hardly more low a consumption level in the North American countries - 30%. All last decade universal consumption "ecstasy" steadily grew and, most likely, will continue the growth the next years though and not so it is prompt as, for example, in the late nineties. Invariable popularity and, as consequence, use distribution "ecstasy" in many developing countries remain. The turn of this branch of the drugs industry is estimated in 65 billion dollars a year.

Capacities of the laboratories intended for manufacture of heroin, allow making in parallel amphetamine. In the Western Europe, especially in the Netherlands and Great Britain, small laboratories of the big capacity are extended. Manufacture of stimulators in the states of Baltic, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Poland and the USA has extended. p> As a whole synthetic drugs occupy a leading position among other groups of narcotic and strong substances. They do not demand long cultivation and the possible losses connected with it (for example, as a result of a drought, destruction of plantations, etc.); the minimum volume of substance (the dose can make a milligramme share) promotes more safe transportation, and the wide range of consumers provides high incomes. Besides, scientific and technical progress allows to synthesise drugs of new generation, cheaper and stronger.

Despite positive tendencies of decrease in manufacture of drugs in some countries, noted in the report of the United Nations on position with...

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